Big Hands (Bigger Dick) | tiredwrites

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Izuku loves Kacchan's hands. They're warm—they're calloused perfectly - not too rough, not too soft - and they're /big/.

They're perfect.

Izuku loves how they envelop his tiny hands, holding his hands delicately between rough, calloused palms.

He loves Kacchan's hands with a passion. He loves how they enclose his own, how they skirt across his freckled skin, how they looked with black and gold rings settled on the thick digits, how they look covered in blood, in slick, in everything.


Izuku loves Kacchan's hands. They're warm—they're calloused perfectly - not too rough, not too soft - and they're big. Izuku loves the blatant size difference between them, how the large blond's hands envelop his lithe hands. He loves Kacchan's hands with a passion. He loves how they enclose his own, how they skirt across his freckled skin, how they looked with black and gold rings settled on the thick digits, how they look covered in blood, in slick, in everything.

"Angh..." Izuku whimpers gently, writhing against the blond's chest, groaning as Katsuki pistons his fingers in and out of his sloppy hole, dripping lube and saliva from where Kacchan had eaten him out for a good thirty minutes, his cunt bright red and puffy. Katsuki's calloused, scarred palm claps against his sensitive clit, like a damn bastard because the blond knows what he's doing to Izuku each time his sticky palm makes contact with his puffy, sucked-sore clit.

"F..Fumngh..." Izuku bucks his hips into Kacchan's thrusting fingers, sending torrents of slick to spill past thick, scarred digits. "Y'like that, baby?" Katsuki hums, the vibration traveling through Izuku's body, his back starting to arch as he pushes down into Katsuki's fingers with vigor, trying to guide those teasing fingers with his rutting hips. "Y-Yeaaa...hgn..!" Izuku moans, dropping his head against Katsuki's collarbone, too small to rest his head on Katsuki's shoulder, mouth drooling as he's fingerfucked hard and fast. Well, not fast enough because Kacchan is as sadistic as it comes - which comes with the Mafia boss persona - and refuses to let Izuku cum yet.

"Mm, look so pretty like this, sweetheart," His husband coos, gripping his spit-shined jaw in his free hand, tipping his face just enough to allow Kacchan to see how wrecked he looked. Izuku knows he looks like an absolute mess, hair sticky and drooping with sweat, freckled skin painted red with blush, his eyes droopy and teary with pleasure-pain tears collecting in his lashes. Katsuki grins at him, all sharp and dangerous, as his fingers continue to piston in and out of his sore, dripping cunt.

"So pretty," Katsuki coos, all rough and deep, making Izuku whimper and gurgle a wanton moan as Katsuki changes the direction his fingers piston into. The second Katsuki's fingers spear into his g-spot, relentless and demanding, Izuku is sobbing a blubbered moan, hips rutting and twitching without any rhythm, trying to chase the pleasure filling his gut. Izuku knows Kacchan loves this—he can feel the big, pierced dick burning a hole into his lower back, tenting Katsuki's tight jeans he wears.

Because his husband is a sadistic bastard who loves watching Izuku get so, so close to the edge before Kacchan gets to rip the impending orgasm away from him slowly, Izuku knows what is coming. His husband is a sadistic man, and Kacchan will get to watch him writhe and sob, riding his fingers like a madman, unable to crook the blond's fingers in the perfect way to hit his g-spot before giving up.

Izuku knew somewhat what he was getting into, marrying a sadistic fucker of a mafia boss who showed no remorse or mercy. Not even for his poor husband.

"Nngangh...! C-Clo-se....p-please Kacchan, please-" Izuku sobs and pleads with his husband, who grins against the meat of his tear-stained cheek, licking away the tears absentmindedly. "Please? Please what, baby?" Kacchan grins, his bastard of a husband taking immense pleasure in watching Izuku sob and plead, the completely naked man writhing against his clothed chest. "W-Wn'a....c-cum...!" Izuku squeaks and whines, huffing and panting a gurgled grunt as Kacchan's hand slowly pick up, the sticky slap of the heel of his palm making contact with Izuku's raw cunt echoing in the room, dampened by Izuku's moans and whines.

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