Reigning (With Me) | tiredwrites

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"What is a puny human doing here?" A demon hisses, tongue slithering out like a snake. Beady eyes stare down at Izuku's little frame, greatly diminished by the abuse he had been subjected to. Izuku stares down at his feet, gulping quietly. He can't do anything in this situation—he's powerless here.

"Oi! Human, I asked you a question!" His hair - a little garden of moss curls - is yanked harshly, making him shriek, tears bubbling in the corners of his eyes.

He can't help the sob that breaks past chapped lips, echoing in the quiet hallway. A single tear slides down his cheek, crystal clear and delicate as it spatters onto the hallway flooring.

Then, it's gone.

And Kacchan is here. Just like he always is. Protecting him.


part two of Reign (With Me), but can be read as a stand-alone!


For TurtleExplodes.

this is part two of Reign (With Me) !! this is part two, but can be read as a stand-alone! the first part is sfw as well, lol.

ANYWAY!!! happy reading!! :D kudos, comments, and whatever is very much appreciated!!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

"What is a puny human doing here?" A demon hisses, tongue slithering out like a snake. Beady eyes stare down at Izuku's little frame, greatly diminished by the abuse he had been subjected to. Izuku stares down at his feet, gulping quietly. He can't do anything in this situation—he's powerless here.

"Oi! Human, I asked you a question!" His hair - a little garden of moss curls - is yanked harshly, making him shriek, tears bubbling in the corners of his eyes. His hands fly up to clutch the demon's wrist, yelping at how scalding the demon's skin is. His fingertips burn and redden quickly as his hands shake, and his diaphragm quivers with barely bitten-back sobs. The heat radiating off his curls, the smell of burning hair invading his nostrils. He can't help the sob that breaks past chapped lips, echoing in the quiet hallway. A single tear slides down his cheek, crystal clear and delicate as it spatters onto the hallway flooring.

Just like the demon's blood spatters on the floor. The demon that stood before him, gripping his singed hair, is nowhere to be found, now just a smear on the beautiful stone flooring. The cold slate flooring is suddenly marred with jagged spatters of red and bits of entrails scattered about. The spatter is large and seemingly unending before he's crowded away from the gore that lays on the floor before him.

He's pushed into Kacchan's chest, the demon's warm worried rumbling soothing his panicked soul. Kacchan's hands - big enough for him to sit in them - are warm on his back, trailing up his jutting spine through his thin skin. Kacchan's warmth - of his body, his hands, his presence - keeps him from spiraling, safe and secure in his mate's hold.

Even after a good six months of being the demon king's mate, he could never truly stomach the gore. The blood. The death that surrounded him. It always made his skin rise, but he kept it on the down low. Although, Kacchan surely knew. He knew his mate was the all-powerful demon king, and he was sure Kacchan was hiding many of his abilities. Probably for whatever lewd uses Kacchan often showed to him, but he digresses.

Kacchan always knew what Izuku was thinking, feeling, and everything.

They were connected.


"Deku, my love," Kacchan rumbles quietly, a certain tone to his voice. It's rugged and cracked, pained even. Kacchan kneels at the foot of the bed, where Izuku is sat on, his little brittle body wrapped in a warm blanket, with little slippers on his feet. "I failed you, my queen," He rumbles, gentle like a slow-crawling thunderstorm. "I let someone hurt you,"

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