Of Deep Waters | Anonymous

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Something cold brushes against his legs then, and Izuku smiles.

He's here.

Kacchan surfaces right in front of him, blond hair plastered to his forehead, braids floating by his face and red eyes focused on Izuku. He keeps the lower half of his face submerged but warbles out a greeting to Izuku all the same. It sounds pouty and accusing, as though he's mad his mate didn't come visit him sooner.



Izuku fucks a fish.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The water is cool against his skin, strictly regulated at all times to suit the entity it houses. The enclosure seems empty but Izuku knows that won't be the case for long. Somewhere deep underneath, Kacchan is lurking and as soon as he realises Izuku is here, he'll make his way to the surface.

It's rare, this thing they've got going on between them. A golden opportunity to study the nature and behaviour of Kacchan's species. That's the whole point of this entire endeavour anyway. To research, protect and maybe revive the species back from the brink of extinction. And Izuku's set to play a key role in the project.

Research project or not, what they have between the both of them is real. It's special. The mating bite sitting proudly at the juncture between his neck and shoulder is proof of that.

It won't be long now. He kicks his legs idly, humming under his breath as he waits.

There's what looks like movement below him. A flash of bright colour slinking around the artificial reefs and built-in rockshelves, some of Kacchan's favourite hidey holes. The enclosure is huge and with how deep the water is, Izuku can't be sure. He doesn't mind wainting though.

Izuku had been told by an excited researcher this morning that Kacchan had started to exhibit symptoms of rut recently. A state of increased sex drive that's triggered with the single minded goal to breed and procreate. And as such, the alpha mer had been restless and more agressive than ever, not letting anyone, even his handlers into his territory. He'd been swimming in circles around the length and breadth of the large tank, snarling and snapping at anyone who dared to get close to investigate. Regardless of species, it seems secondary gender dynamics are the same across the spectrum. Which is also why Izuku had been called in today.

"It might be today, Midoriya-san! We might get one step closer to the revival project today!" The excited researcher had told him.

A roundabout way of saying that Izuku might get fucked and pupped today. It has him apprehensive, a nervousness gnawing at him and sending his mind into overdrive. But he can't deny that his own inner omega is thrilled at the thought. Kacchan, alpha, had chosen him of course. Out of hundreds of options he'd been presented with, it was Izuku he had taken a shining to. It was Izuku he had sidled up to shyly, nosed and nuzzled and then later claimed as mate. No wonder Izuku's stupid omega can't stop purring.

Something cold brushes against his legs then, and Izuku smiles.

He's here.

Kacchan surfaces right in front of him, blond hair plastered to his forehead, braids floating by his face and red eyes focused on Izuku. He keeps the lower half of his face submerged but warbles out a greeting to Izuku all the same. It sounds pouty and accusing, as though he's mad his mate didn't come visit him sooner.


"Hi, Kacchan! You doing okay? Mei told me you're in rut?" He cups Katsuki's face with both palms and urges him closer. Kacchan complies easily and Izuku plants a soft kiss right to his lips.

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