All Mine, My useless fuck toy |Liquid_Reality

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Mina owns dog hybrid Bakugou, hes reluctant to admit he likes living there. And things are great till she brings home cat hybrid Midoriya. Bakugou hates the kitten boy. Absolutely HATES his guts. And all hes done is exist.

Mina leaves to see her boyfriend and Bakugou can feel himself losing his fucking mind.



Prompt was Hate fucking and Mirror sex.

Okay, personal update, went on a date on the 13th, it was okay but I'm questioning my sexuality because I dont like sucking dick apparently. So if my fics are weird or off my normal, forgive me, change is coming fam.

Okay, enough with me.


See yall Oct 29th!!!

      Hybrids lived their own lives typically, some got adopted, some started their own life and went from there, others just didn't get a life.

Bakugou lived with his owner Mina, sure she was annoying but she took him in when no one else would. He was big for a puppy and when he grew he towered over her. He was more human-like than dog. But he had his moments. Barking at nothing, growling, being a priss and snarling at change.

Change came in multiple forms, new treats, new bedding, new toys. He hated most change. And the newest form of change pissed him off to no end.

Mina came home one night and smiles, holding a deccent sized animal crate. She giggles seeing Bakugou's blonde ears perk. "I got you a new friend, Katsuki."

His ears went back down and he glares as she opens the carrier, pulling out an adorable cat hybrid with big green curls. He wasnt very big, he couldnt have been half Bakugou's height.

Bakugou growls lowly at the little cat hybrid. He looked at Bakugou with big green eyes full of curiosity.

"His name is Izuku. Please dont be mean to him, Katsuki, hes just a little kitten still." Mina explains, petting Midoriya gently before walking to the once spare bedroom that was going to become Midoriya's room.

Bakugou growls loudly at the cat, hopping off the couch he walks over to the small hybrid, "listen here, Deku, you are in my house, and I do not share. Keep your filthy feline paws to yourself or I will bite them off." He smacks Midoriya lightly, sending the small Kitten onto his side.

Midoriya watched confused, he sits upright, green eyes welling with tears. He wasnt very old so he had no idea why Bakugou was so mean to him, he let out a soft mew and instantly Mina came rushing to hug him, comforting him. He was face level with her neck, being a kitten he was still small and would probably be taller than her when he was fully grown.

Bakugou glares over his shoulder, his tail flicking as he shuts his door, "stupid fucking pinky. Stupid little Deku. Why does she want a cat? Cats are stupid and worthless little assholes." He mutters, flopping on his bed with a huff.


Bakugou refused to make an effort with Midoriya, hed find the cat sleeping on his side of the couch and would shout at him till he wake up and moved. He would ambush Midoriya and snarl at him when he was eating.

Midoriya didnt understand, a whole year of this went on, Midoriya tried to be nice and friendly with Bakugou, bringing him his toys to play with, scenting the bed spreads, sharing his catnip; nothing worked.

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