Suffocating Depths | tiredwrites

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The sea is alive with rolling tides and roaring waves crashing against the small sailboat Izuku is settled on, swaying and bobbing with the gnash of gentle and harsh waves pushing against it.

Izuku knows the ocean is a brutal, desolate place of kill or be killed.

And Izuku is witnessing it first-hand.

At that point, Kacchan had told him, it was hard not to see the territory was owned by a /very/ powerful shark. Either this mer didn't think to check any possible territory markers, or it swam in with the intention of claiming the territory as its own.

Izuku didn't wait to say the mer had it coming but...

The sight in front of him... it's a brutal, ruthless sight.


totally non-sexy summary, but 80% is porn.


yes im aware its june. let me have this

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

The sea is alive with rolling tides and roaring waves crashing against the small sailboat Izuku is settled on, swaying and bobbing with the gnash of gentle and harsh waves pushing against it.

Izuku knows the ocean is a brutal, desolate place of kill or be killed.

And Izuku is witnessing it first-hand.

A shark mer, smaller than Kacchan - everyone is smaller than Kacchan - had tried to intimidate the large mer when he was showing off for Izuku, allowing the man to touch his smooth but tough hide and glide his hands across his fin that sliced through the water. Izuku would forever be fascinated by Kacchan - from the way his gills shifted and breathed to his sharp, jagged fin tip brutalized from years of fighting for his territory and winning. Izuku knows Kacchan was territorial - it came as a default because not only was this Kacchan but shark mers were exceptionally territorial around mates and territory.

And this was Kacchan's territory, clear by the markers of scent and dried blood Kacchan had told him he used to mark his territory.

At that point, Kacchan had told him, it was hard not to see the territory was owned by a very powerful shark. Either this mer didn't think to check any possible territory markers, or it swam in with the intention of claiming the territory as its own.

Izuku didn't wait to say the mer had it coming but...

The sight in front of him... it's a brutal, ruthless sight.

Kacchan had gone under not long after sensing the shark mer circling Izuku's boat, that tipped fin slicing through the harsh, rippling waves like a knife through smooth, warm butter. He could hear, feel, see the collision between the two mers. It wasn't hard not to be drawn to the sounds of fins and tails slicing through the water and slapping against the surface as they wrestled. Izuku knew Kacchan was winning even though it was hard to figure out who was who. Their tails were the same shade of light grey, but Izuku could barely see the tail scars on Kacchan's much bigger tail as he dragged the shark mer far away from the surface.

Izuku couldn't see much - it was hard to from how dark the ocean was and the blood rapidly tinting it a maroon red - but Izuku could see the way Kacchan's body thrashed and disrupted the waves of the ocean, creating his own with his body. The torrent of waves crashed and knocked into the hull of Izuku's boat, making his body rock as he stared at the frothing water atop the mer's fighting bodies. It was clear to Izuku that Kacchan showed the mer no mercy as the smaller mer tugged and grasped uselessly at the air when their hands breached the surface, head breaching for a split second to scream in agony.

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