Paranormal Investigator Izuku and his Demon Lover | loveatfirstsight

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Izuku is a paranormal investigator that faces his personal Mount Everest... Bakugou Shrine. It is an infamous location that a possible ancient demon occupies. What could go wrong?(or right?)


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Izuku has always been sensitive to the paranormal. It all started out to when he woke up suddenly one night as a child. Rubbing his eye, he saw his father standing at the door way.


His father didn't say a word, but smiled and waved. Izuku giggled and waved and said goodnight, thinking that his father must have gotten home late from work and was just checking in on him.

The next morning, police cars arrived at their house. Turns out, his father had passed away in a car crash the night before. When he told his mom what he had saw, his mother, face full of tears, nodded, and said he had visited her in a dream.

That is when his morbid obsession with ghosts and the paranormal started. He was obsessed with contact with the otherworldly, and wrote many notes down of research and his findings in countless notebooks.

By the time he was an adult, he ran a well known paranormal vlog online called, "They're Here." Everyone loved the adorable and respectful paranormal investigator that would solo haunted places with his paranormal equipment in tow.

People would speculate he was so successful with ghosts and other creatures of the beyond (as they would react almost always to his requests and questions in startling ways) because of his empathy and kindness. The sheer bravery it takes to solo these places also shocks viewers. There is an infamous shrine on the outskirts of Izuku's city where fatal accidents often happened.

"Welcome to another episode of, 'They're here!' So, you guys know how much I have wanted to visit Bakugou Shrine for a while now. I wanted to do my research first though."

Izuku stands on a stone path muddle with leaves that leads into the heart of a forest, it is autumn, and when the orange leaves dance with the breeze, the leaves look more like fire flickering.

The petite investigator wears a white T-shirt that says "Boo!" with a little cartoon ghost below the text. He is in jeans and his trademark red sneakers. Izuku liked to first visit his location during the day with viewers and interview locals and any nearby onlookers (with their permission.)

"Many of you and several podcasts have let me know that the accidents that have happened here seem to only target people with a criminal history. The more serious incidents, the more serious the crimes hidden behind the victims it seems."

Izuku walks up stone steps, turning the camera in front of him to let viewers see him ascending until they see a beautiful vibrant red shrine at the top of the hill. Izuku redirects the camera down, showing the steep ancient staircase.

"This is where the criminal 'Slime' died. He was on the run from police, he had a violent history of hurting children. After the news was released, this shrine shot up as one of the most famous paranormal locations in the world."

Izuku now lets the camera soak in the beauty of the shrine, which catches a shrine keeper with a broom gathering red leaves into a pile nearby. The tall blonde older man wears traditional attire in a white robed yukata and sky blue pants.

"I have been corresponding with Toshinori san, who graciously agreed to be interviewed! 'Toshinori san! It's Izuku!"

Izuku turns off the camera and the two greet another. After pleasantries, Izuku sets up the camera's tripod so that his video shows him and the shrine keeper sitting side by side on a stone bench.

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