Bakugou Katsuki is Fucking Trash | pr0blemadick

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Most sixteen year-olds dreamed of getting good grades, their dream job, finding solace, and maybe getting a partner, or something cheesy and romantic about their crush. Katsuki Bakugou only had one real aspiration in life, and that was, well, fucking the shit out of his childhood best friend and babysitter-- a 21 year old curly-haired nuisance called Midoriya Izuku-- and doing it without his consent.


uh, so, read the tags if you haven't already. idk why but i decided to like, mush together as many forms of questionable consent as possible because why not. i have never written a darkfic before so u know what......maybe this is trash. again this is problematic. katsuki is an unreliable narrator bc he kinda thinks the world revolves around him. izuku is trying his best but he's also kind of an unreliable narrator. he's just a good boy that's very gay and very kinky with high libido, though this fic is actually light on the uh bdsm (imo). i'm desperate for praise and validation so please leave a comment. also didn't look over this much so there might be typos. fuck it we die like men

edit: i think i fixed the few tense issues (i'm used to writing in present tense) but it not uhhhhhhh sorry

pls leave a comment!

Katsuki was sitting in the passenger seat of his mother's car, one part angry and two parts ecstatic. He was fucking sixteen, for god's sake, and his mother couldn't trust him to take care of himself for one fucking week while his parents left for a vacation?! Like, how overprotective could she be? On the other hand, however, he was going to be able to see Deku for the first time in four years, and spend a whole week with him. He couldn't fucking wait to see the look on the nerd's face when they met. Katsuki had grown a lot, gained muscle, and his voice had dropped. A lot. Deku would probably almost shit himself over how hot he was, and it made the teen smirk. Katsuki knew the effect he had on other people, and it was precisely why he was able to get away with being an asshole to everyone and everything. People didn't stay mad at you for long when you looked like God's favorite. At least, if there was one. Katsuki definitely didn't believe anyone had given him such wonderful genes. He preferred to think he chose them.

Katsuki hadn't been sure what exactly to wear, but he didn't want to look like he'd dressed up for the nerd, even though he had, so he'd opted for a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. The t-shirt wasn't that tight, but Katsuki had bulked up enough to where you could just see the faint outline of his muscles through them. The grey sweatpants were an... obvious choice, considering the way extras begged him to fuck them whenever he went out in them. Which he only did when there was nothing better to do. He always just fantasized that the person was Deku, so he honestly couldn't name or even recognize which people at his school he had fucked and which ones he hadn't. Not that he cared what they thought. He knew what they thought, and that thought was that Katsuki was the closest human being to God there was. There was no fucking way Deku would be able to view him as a child anymore, not when he looked like this.


"What, hag?!"

"Try not to give Izuku a hard time. He's a third-year in college, you know."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I fucking know already. I don't even need Deku to take care of me."

Mitsuki sighed. "Well, it puts me at ease to know you're going to be with someone I trust. Izuku will keep you out of trouble."

Katsuki scoffed. "Whatever."

Katsuki had no plans what-so-ever to listen to his mother. He was definitely going to give the shitty nerd a hard time, and he was going to make sure to get him in trouble. Katsuki was finally going to make his dreams come true. Katsuki had everything-- looks, strength, incredible wit and humor, brains, talent, and a voice that could probably make millions if he chose to become a phone sex operator, but he didn't have one thing and that thing-- was Midoriya Izuku.

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