CD: Extra Scene | bakasatsuou (Zuzonicorn)

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Kacchan's first time eating pussy (he likes it)

this is technically in my Cinnamon Dolce universe, but can be read as a standalone


terms used: pussy, cocklet, T-dick, hole

The door bounced off the wall as Katsuki slammed it open, too busy with one hand on Deku's ass and the other quickly finding its way back to his thigh to care. He kicked the door shut behind them before unceremoniously throwing Deku onto his bed.

"Ka--" Deku cut himself off with a moan as Katsuki kissed him once again, trailing his kisses down Deku's freckled skin to the juncture of his neck and shoulder. "Ka... there's something I really have to tell you," he finally got out, breathless and whiny.

Katsuki didn't care. "It can wait," he grumbled into Deku's neck, running his hands along his sides until he reached the hem of his pants. He chuckled darkly at the light moans Deku kept letting out.

"It's relevant, actually. Maybe even important...." He nervously trailed off as Katsuki unbuttoned his pants and began shimmying them down his hips and off his legs, leaving only his red boxers as the barrier between the relevant, important thing and Katsuki.

Red eyes locked on to green as he shifted down the bed, completely oblivious to the lack of a bulge in Deku's underwear. "Don't care. It can wait. I just want you right... now...."

He finally seemed to notice, as his hand cupped where Deku's dick should have been. His head whipped down to look in confusion at the not-tented, wet garment covering Deku.

"I haven't gotten a chance to tell you, yet. But... I'm a trans man. I know I probably should've told you earlier, but I just couldn't find the right time, and then everything was happening so fast, and suddenly we're here and I want to do this with you and I just want you inside me but I completely understand if you want to stop because I don't have the parts you like--"

His nervous babbling was cut off as Katsuki shoved a hand over his mouth, effectively shutting him up. "Deku. Shut up. It's fine. I'll figure it out. And I still like you, doesn't matter what fuckin' parts you have." He ended with a nip to Deku's hip, and a shaky moan coming from him as he gave a tiny thrust into Katsuki's warm hand, still cupping him in his most sensitive area.

There was silence for a moment as Deku stared off to the side, face flushed, eyes squeezed shut, panting into Katsuki's hand still pressed to his mouth. The silence was broken when he let out a lewd moan, the hand on his boxers beginning to gently rub.

"Do you want me to stop? Or keep going?" The whispered words were barely heard over the sound of Deku's panting and bit-back moans.

Finally, after what felt like the longest thirty seconds of Katsuki's life, Deku locked eyes with him, green meeting red again. He nodded, brushing his green hair back off his forehead. "Keep going, please, Kacchan," he said in a wobbly voice.

"You got it, baby."

Katsuki shuffled back down to be face level with Deku's core, the intoxicating, musky smell making him dizzy from how close he was.

"Let me know if you need me to stop." He pulled Deku's boxers completely off, exposing him. It was addicting watching how he clenched and his T-dick twitched when he breathed, blowing cold air onto it intentionally to watch it happen again.

Deku shifted up onto his elbows to look down at him. "Have you ever done this before?"

"Done what?"

Deku gulped and looked away again, though Katsuki noticed one of his hands trail up under his shirt. "Eaten pussy."

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