Set on fire | neva_writes

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What's the thrill about sex?

Katsuki doesn't understand it.

That is... until he meets Midoriya Izuku, number one heartbreaker of Yuuei.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1

Katsuki has never understood the thrill about sex. Seriously, what's so fucking great about it?

He has already lost count of the many times all his friends go crazy whenever they hook up with some extra all night and then the day afterwards they start chattering endlessly about how a good fuck it was. What's the damn catch?

The wolf hybrid has never been interested in anyone . All his dumbass classmates are annoying and their smell is barely bearable. Katsuki has more important things to focus on, like his studies! He is going to be the best from his generation!!!

"Hey Blasty!", a high pitched voice interrupted his thoughts. Fuck.

"What do ya' want, Raccoon Eyes?" he scoffed.

"You have to stop being such a hermit!!! We are going to Miruko's frat party tonight and you are coming with me and the rest of the squad!"

"Fuck no!" he complained. "Not in the mood, bitch."

Mina rolled her eyes.

Welp, she tried by being nice.




"Idiots!!!" Katsuki growled loudly and bared his huge fangs to Sero, Kaminari and Kirishima, who were carrying him altogether. They dragged him to the loud event that was nothing but hurting his sensible ears, and they were still a square behind. Fucking assholes!

"Wow, I didn't think you guys would make it," Kyouka laughed next to Mina.

"We did it, but not unscathed," Sero smirked lazily, showing his friends the red scratches on his arms.

"Well, the night is young, let's go!!!" Mina expressed, her tail waving happily.

Katsuki wished earth could swallow him alive.




Just one hour and Katsuki wanted out. Sweated bodies were everywhere, making his nose wrinkle by all the different nasty scents. He has been sitting in the corner of the room, heating up a can of beer that he hasn't even drank from.

"Kats, my man! How's the party going? Any chick that catches your attention?" Kaminari asked.

"Fuck off, Dunce Face. I'm leaving," he stands up.

"Geez! No need to be so grumpy! It's still very early dude, c'mon!" Kaminari reasoned.

The blond didn't even spare him a glance. He threw away his beer and took huge steps towards the main door. However, for that he needed to cross the dance floor. Just his fucking luck...

He passed many people not even caring about bumping into them. That was until he realized that there was an accumulated crowd of different hybrid species in the center... What the fuck was going on?

His high stature allowed him to observe and what he saw stopped him on his tracks, making Kaminari collide with his broad back.

"Ouch! What the fuck, man!?" The fox-hybrid rubbed his hurt nose.

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