cherub sinner | Chezmeralda

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Izuku has always been alone. So when a book at the library tells him how he can feel better about it, he seeks out the entity that knows the most about it.


... i'm sorry?

(See the end of the work for more notes .)

Chapter One: curiosity killed the cat...

Izuku squeaked as he slipped down the grassy slope that led him further into the quickly darkening forest. His crudely drawn map was beginning to wrinkle in his hands from how tight he was holding it, his knapsack with his most treasured All Might action figure tucked gently into the biggest pocket. He was nervous, but he felt determined, dusting off his knees as he took a breath before forging onward.

He was a curious boy, his mother used to tell him that before she passed away and he was sent to live with his father. That curiosity meant that his dad left him very often to the library to read while he worked, sometimes well into the night. Izuku had read through pretty much all of the children's section, and some of the young adult novels and even some non-fiction sections of the library.

He got to a point where he knew nearly every story by heart, so much so that the librarian let him into the backroom where they kept books they were still filtering through. It was there that Izuku found interesting things; books with notes in them that didn't make them suitable for the floor; books that were tattered and worn at the spine and the leaves of pages; books that the librarians were still debating on if they should place them out to be read.

There was one book in particular that Izuku found, slipped between two carts and was hardly noticeable. He had managed to grab it and found his favourite corner that he wouldn't be bothering anybody in.

The book was the reason he was walking into the forest at a questionable time, with his map and his favourite figurine. The book spoke of this place; the book spoke of a lot of things.

Izuku stared wide eyed at the torii gate in front of him, the red paint worn and tattered. There were faded old talismans pasted on, cracked and practically washed out from the weather. The part of the forest he was in was dark, the trees barely let any light in, the canopy thick and lush. The sun was setting, and from where Izuku stood, it could have been night time. He took one last look at the path he had taken, already semi covered by foliage like he hadn't passed through at all, before he continued on, his grip tighter on his bag strap.

As soon as he passed the threshold of the gate, the air around him became heavier and tense. Izuku looked up to find that the stairs leading to the shrine were worn out, broken down and grown over. They were steep, as well, tall and ominous as they stood in front of Izuku. He started to climb, practically crawling up the steps as he steadied himself with his hands, each stair a treacherous wobble away from crumbling and causing him to fall back down.

It was almost unassuming, when Izuku reached the top and found the abandoned wood shrine casting its gaze over the forest. The wind whistled and creaked the planks and posts of the shrine, and Izuku gulped as he stepped further into the grounds. It felt oppressive, as if someone was standing close by, watching his movements, curious to see what he was doing, what mischief or sin he was up to.

Izuku removed his backpack when he reached the altar, and he opened it carefully to pull out the book and his beloved All Might action figure. He gave the toy one last hug, before he placed it and the book carefully on the altar. Then he clasped his hands together and bowed his head. With a final deep breath in, he began to pray.

"Um, hello," he mumbled quietly, shivering a bit as the wind rustled the trees. "My name is Izuku, and um... you were talking to me through the book?"

Izuku lifted his head and looked around. Nothing had changed in his surroundings, so he bowed his head again. "Y-you told me I could come here if I um... wanted to experience 'more'," he said nervously, his hands almost trembling as he clasped them tight. "A-And, well... after that night when you told me, t-to do stuff... I really liked it! So, I... want to know what more of it feels like."

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