cloud nine | TheFifthCharmedOne

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Large, long, and heavy, Izuku couldn't drag his gaze away from it even if he wanted to.

"Nerd, seriously. We don't have to-!"

"No! I want to. I'm just...y'know. Afraid it won'" Katsuki smirked as he approached.

"I'll be gentle, I promise."

Work Text:

Izuku gulped heavily, his heart a thrashing monster in his chest. Slick slid down his legs even as his stomach fluttered restlessly.

"Oi, you gonna stare all day or are we gonna do this?" Katsuki was intimidating fully clothed, but naked? Somehow, he was even moreso. His muscles had clearly been made through hard work and strict dedication. His skin was utterly flawless, not a blemish to be found...and then there was his cock.

Large, long, and heavy, Izuku couldn't drag his gaze from it even if he wanted to. "Nerd, seriously. We don't have to-!"

"No! I want to. I'm just...y'know. Afraid it won'" Katsuki smirked as he approached.

"I'll be gentle, I promise." Katsuki guided Izuku to the bed, kissing him soundly once they reached it. Izuku's omega forced a whine from him, and the blond quirked a brow.

"Not my fault," Izuku said stubbornly, turning away. Katsuki took the chance to kiss the omega's neck. "A-Alpha!" The omega yelped when Katsuki's fangs lightly brushed his scent gland. "K-Kacchan..."

"You ain't gotta be so scared. The minute you say stop, we stop."

"O-Okay." Izuku let himself relax, letting Katsuki have control. The blond kissed down Izuku's neck, clavicle, chest, abdomen...

"Mm. Your scent is sweetest right here." The blond said, his nose hovering over the smaller man's clit. "I can tell how much you want this, even though you're afraid." He inhaled deeply. "Good omega...tasty omega..." His tongue was, as promised, gentle yet probing, and Izuku's fingers clenched the bedsheets in an iron grip. More slick flooded out of him, and he moaned as the explosion hero became bolder, suckling and humming against the omega's most sensitive body part. The clitoris has more than 10,000 nerve endings... His overanalytical mind thought distantly.

Eventually, Katsuki introduced his fingers to Izuku's soaked and quivering pussy, preparing him the best he could for his large cock. By now, Izuku was begging for more, completely lost to his desire and the sex pheromones. Finally, the blond deemed Izuku ready.

The smaller man had already orgasmed once, but he'd been holding himself back since then.

"Alpha...wanna...wanna come on your knot..." he panted, skin shiny with sweat.

"You will, sweetheart, you will." Katsuki promised, easing his cock inside. Even with teh prep, Izuku grimaced. Kacchan was big. He swallowed hard, trying not to get too lost in his head. When Katsuki was fully inside, he consumed Izuku's vision, hands planted on either side of the omega's head. "God, fuck. So good, so tight, what a perfect omega..."

As Izuku adjusted, he noticed something-each time Katsuki thrust, he swore that he saw a bulge in his belly. But that was impossible, wasn't it?! "Shit, ' feel so. fucking. good!" The green haired boy groaned as the bulge became more prominent with each stroke.

"Kacchan..." Izuku breathed, fingers clawing Katsuki's broad shoulders and back. "Kacchan, do you see that?" he asked, mouth dry and body begging for release. Katsuki tilted his head, perplexed, but realized what the nerd was talking about.

"Damn, I'm good." he said arrogantly. Izuku gasped as Katsuki's knot pushed him further inside. The omega's legs spasmed.

"Ngh, gah, ALPHA!" The blond came with a shout as well, collapsing on top of Izuku with a large exhale.

"Was that everything you dreamed of, nerd?" he asked, caressing Izuku's cheek with a knuckle.

"And more." The omega answered with a besotted, sated smile.

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