(wish i were) heather | kamie (mimocha)

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I still remember, third of December, me in your sweater.

It's a chilly night and the class huddles up on the couches in the common room. Katsuki sits next to Izuku, who wears the former's sweater.

You said it looked better on me than it did you.

"I wouldn't have lent you my sweater if I knew you'd wear it better than I do..."

Katsuki grumbles, a playful smirk on his lips as he looks into Izuku's eyes.

Only if you knew, how much I liked you.

The heat on Izuku's cheeks warm him up more than the sweater does, the boy looking away and smiling quietly.

He looks up when he doesn't hear Katsuki speak again, only to see him staring at something else.

Or someone else, in this case.


!!! cw: blood and violence, extreme gore !!!

based on Conan Gray's Heather

this is another songfic, but this is a lot darker than my last one. this song made me cry and i've been listening to it for the past five hours. thus, this fic was born. please read with caution and mind the tags !!! 💛✨

additional art in end notes !

- kamie🌠

I still remember, third of December, me in your sweater.

It's a chilly night and the class huddles up on the couches in the common room. Katsuki sits next to Izuku, who wears the former's sweater.

You said it looked better on me than it did you.

"I wouldn't have lent you my sweater if I knew you'd wear it better than I do..."

Katsuki grumbles, a playful smirk on his lips as he looks into Izuku's eyes.

Only if you knew, how much I liked you.

The heat on Izuku's cheeks warm him up more than the sweater does, the boy looking away and smiling quietly.

He looks up when he doesn't hear Katsuki speak again, only to see him staring at something else.

Or someone else, in this case.

But I watch your eyes as she w




s by.


She's a transfer student from the west. Everyone welcomed her in as one of them, and she is one of them. She's beautiful, kind, loving, and heroic.

Who wouldn't love her?

Izuku wishes it's Katsuki.

But it isn't.

What a sight for s o r e e y e s ,

brighter than a b l u e s k y .

Katsuki's eyes light up as he watches her enter the room. The comparison of a blue sky to Katsuki's red eyes is ironic, really. But Izuku can't care less as he watches him watch her.

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