For Worse or Better | Ginger_Dev, Inouye_47

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Maybe that is how he ended up where he is now, across a classmates desk after school, trapped under his old childhood friend. The alpha's harsh roughened hands gripped over his soft freckled flesh, and ripped clothes.

"I'm making you useful, De-kuu."

Chapter 1


Dev and I pop-corned (ping-ponged it back and forth iykyk) and frankenstein-ed this hot mess together.

Tags are subject to be modified/added as needed.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku tried to take his title of omega with pride. He was proud of his mother being an omega that raised him. Inko struggled alone and he loved the woman who taught him everything; he knew omegas are strong but he also had to accept the drawbacks and struggles put upon him from his second gender.

Maybe that is how he ended up where he is now, across a classmates desk after school, trapped under his old childhood friend. The alpha's harsh roughened hands gripped over his soft freckled flesh, and ripped clothes.

The air is oppressive with the alpha's agitated and spiced scent, his anger, a less scary thing, with the sickly sweet smell of arousal between them spiking Deku's fear knowing all to well.

"All you fuckin' have to do is listen....stupid fuck," Katsuki growled. "Lay there and take whatever I give you. You should be lucky I even grace you with my cock, Deku."

Izuku felt his eyes burn and tear up, biting back sobs as fat tears rolled down his cheeks. "Kacchan- Don't do this-"

"I'm making you useful, De-kuu." Katsuki licks his fangs as he yanks down Izuku's trousers and underwear in one swoop. "Now. Spread 'em."

"Kacchan, I do-" Izuku pleads, using his hands to cover himself.

"Present omega." Katsuki demands.

Izuku whines and shuts his eyes. His face feels like it's burning, embarrassed as he lifts his legs up and open. He's so exposed. Kacchan can see every part of him.

The eyes on him only furthering his racing heart and trembling. He could hear the other's breath hitching and scent getting thicker making his head spin and shame pour out of himself, feeling his pussy twitch and start to slick into the cold air around him.

The alpha's heat body getting closer, making it worse, "look at you so fucking good for me bet your wet little cunt was just begging for this. Heh, showing what ya really want." A deep growl before fingers pressed to his lips, almost tender for a second, before forcing their way inside.

Deku yelping at the sudden stretch of the warm thick fingers poking and prodding at his insides with no real aim or care before even being able to whine about the sting they were pulling out.

Blood running cold at the sound of a belt unbuckling and hitting the ground, a much larger hotter piece of flesh rubbing up against his abused slick smeared opening.

"Gonna show you the only real thing you're good for, omega, now be good and take it." Katsuki shoves inside, only managing to get the tip in.

Izuku's mouth opens on a silent scream and clenches down on the intrusive large cock. His nails find themselves embedded into Katsuki's shoulders. "Ow, hurts!"

"Relax your cunt." Katsuki orders through gritted teeth. "Fuck you're so tight."

Izuku feels his body stiffen from the command, his omega preens in joy and his pussy opens up willingly. He feels the cock plunge deep and deeper inside of him. His mouth fills with drool and pleased scent leaving his body as he begs, "Katsuki, no more, it's too much."

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