Wedding Crashers | Naughty_Weeb

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There's an undeniable passion between Izuku and his future brother in law...unfortunately, or is it fortunate, they take that bite and can never go back. The time is against them in this affair.


This started as a twt thread and I got really into it rip. So uh this is a good reason you should check my twt out lmao

Please note this isn't edited/proofread, it's how it was from the twt thread :')

Work Text:

Izuku shifted weight from one foot to the other as he stood in front of the blonde that towered over him. Ochako had warned him that her brother was a bit of a menace...

But he didn't expect him to be this much of a menace while she was a floor below them.

"Can you..." Izuku chewed his lip as the much taller man took another step closer till Izuku stumbled back hitting the wall.

"Can I what little omega?" Katsuki teased as he put his arm just above Izuku's head, leaning forward so Izuku was caged.

"Move," Izuku choked out as he placed his hands on the broad chest. The muscles that rippled just below his skin sent a shuddered down the unclaimed omega.

"You don't want me to move, now do you?" Izuku watched almost dreamily as the alpha licked his elongate fangs. Izuku could barely breath without filling his lungs with Katsuki's scent and that made Izuku feel like he was already betraying Ochako.

"Katsuki," Izuku purred without meaning to. That made the alpha smirk as he dipped his head down so he could nose at Izuku's unmarked scent gland.

"She's basically handing you over to me," Katsuki's hands were gliding along Izuku's hips, "Bringing you in here unmarked. Unclaimed. Stupid girl. I'll show you how real alphas treat their pretty little omegas."

Izuku could feel his body reacting to the alpha's words, to his touch. Izuku knew he should be repulsed, should fight against the much stronger alpha...but his body knew what it wanted since the moment he laid eyes on the older man.

"Say it," Katsuki mused, teasing hot air against Izuku's sensitive spot on his neck as his hands worked Izuku's shorts and panties down ever so slowly. "Tell me the truth and I'll give you everything you've dreamt of."

Izuku swallowed the growing lump in his throat. The tension between Katsuki and Izuku had only grown heavier and heavier with each day. Izuku and Ochako had moved in with her parents because their lease was up at the apartment and they had decided to just wait till after their wedding to go house hunting...unfortunately Katsuki was still living at home, more to take care of their parents as their dad had gotten hurt from work. This was the first time they had to interact more than polite hellos.

"I...I want you," Izuku found himself muttering quietly, the shower running loud enough to hide his words from anyone outside of the bathroom. "Fuck...I want you," Izuku repeated as he clenched Katsuki's tank top in his fists.

The alpha chuckled, licking at Izuku's scent gland before yanking the shorts and panties down to his ankles. Katsuki was kneeling in front of the omega's semi hard dick, or what looked more like a hard clit only being half inch long. But it wasn't the clit Katsuki was looking at, no he grasped Izuku's thick thigh and hiked it up making Izuku put his weight against the wall.

"Katsuki," Izuku bit back a moan, his cheeks flush dark red as the alpha looked up at him with a smirk.

"I'll show you more pleasure than my sister ever did," Katsuki said cockily as he threw Izuku's leg over his shoulder and buried his face in Izuku's already slick covered cunt.

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