(someone else's) baby | kamie (mimocha)

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It can't be.

The blond has his back turned towards him. He's clad wholly in red — the same crimson red that Izuku had fallen in love with — the same shade of scarlet of his eyes that Izuku knows all too well. He had drowned in them, after all. He had found himself too far in love with the blond, that stands so close and yet so far away, that he ended up in the deep end of the pool and drowned to his demise.

But it can't be him, can it?

He had just been thinking about him.

Izuku's mind is playing tricks on him, it has to be.

There's no way he could've gotten past security. Eijirou and Denki doubled as both Izuku's groomsmen and security guards for the wedding — and the groom couldn't refuse since they insisted on volunteering to make sure the wedding goes smoothly — knowing Izuku is Japan's number one pro hero, it had seemed reasonable.

But knowing Eijirou and Denki are both Katsuki's good friends, there's a possibility that they didn't keep to their words.

He's been standing still for so long that when he blinks, he's gone. The blond disappeared.

But his car hadn't.


hey babes ! this is my entry for my 20th day of pride: bridal carrying !! this is a songfic based on ♡

i translated several of luis fonsi's lines into english and tweaked some lyrics so it fits bakudeku more, but of course, the original reigns supreme !! the translation is just so that my english readers can understand it easier and the lyric adjustments so the lines correlate with the story written along with it ! enjoy (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

♡ kamie⛥ミ

I know that you still like me




Today is the big day.

Standing here in an empty room

Izuku adjusts the hem of his daisy-white tuxedo as he stares at himself in the full-body mirror. He's never looked better — his hair a tad more tamed than usual, his face glowing, and his freckles accentuated against his fair skin with a touch of make-up — but his eyes aren't as bright as he'd thought they'd be on the day of his wedding. He tries a smile but it feels strained, his teeth a blinding white but the expression a mask, a cover-up, a frontage.

But for what?

His thoughts drift as his smile falters, the corners of his lips drooping low as he absentmindedly takes his first step down memory lane. But he's interrupted when the door of his suite flies open to reveal — his close friend and voice of discipline — Tenya, who enters the room in big strides with a grin on his face.

"Izuku! You look dashing!"

Izuku nearly jumps out of his skin from the abrupt entrance but offers a gracious smile anyway, a hand scratching at the nape of his neck in response to Tenya's flattery.

"Pardon me for not knocking beforehand, but Hatsume wanted me to remind you that you should be at the chapel in an hour."

Izuku gulps and spares a glance at himself in the mirror before nodding, and replies,

"Thanks for telling me, Tenya. I'll be there."

Tenya's grin widens and he chops through the air with his arms in a robotic manner as he chirps,

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