their everyday game | Kasplode

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Things Midoriya Izuku is: A student, a sugar baby, a boyfriend, a brat.

Things Midoriya Izuku is not: Patient.

Or: Izuku wants attention from Kacchan and he is going to get it.


For insinirate.

this piece was 'requested' by @insinirate, based on their sugar daddy au!!! these boys were so fun to write;;;;; if you somehow have never seen their art or aus before, get over there right now and see what you've been missing out on !!

i hope you all enjoy xx

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Clack clack clack. The room is silent but for the steady breaths of its occupants and the rhythmic beat of fingers on plastic. Clear, wall-to-ceiling windows wash the sun's gentle light into the room, and reveal a picturesque view of the sparkling city, looking like something straight out of a magazine.

Izuku glares at the extravagant view. He bets Kacchan is writing another one of those stupid reports of his.

Buzz. The clacking halts and Kacchan glances at his work phone for but a moment before the typing resumes.

Izuku takes a deep breath. Holds it. Puffs out his cheeks.

He slumps over in his seat and sighs obnoxiously.

God, he's so damn bored.

Kacchan said he had to get one more hour of work done, and then he'd take a break. That had been almost three hours ago. 'One hour' had turned into two when Izuku left Kacchan to get ready for their lunch date and had foolishly gone straight to the cafe instead of meeting up with Kacchan at the office first. He'd waited all of ten minutes at their usual table before calling a company car and returning to find Kacchan still working in his office.

If not for Kacchan's genuine surprise at the time and his gruff, yet sweet apologies, he would be a dead man already.

But Izuku still isn't satisfied. Kacchan needs a break, and Izuku needs attention, stat. There's only one solution: Izuku's gonna annoy the shit out of Kacchan. So Izuku sucks in another breath and pouts at the ceiling. "Kacchaaaaan!"

Kacchan sighs, but he doesn't respond. The silence in the room grows thick with expectation; Izuku's long-perfected attention-seeking tone signals the start of the game they play every day.

For a moment, the only sound in the room is the clack of keys and occasional buzz from Kacchan's work phone. Izuku wriggles against his plush seat, making the leather squeak obnoxiously, and clears his throat daintily, earning himself a glance. "Kacchan, I'm hungry..." Izuku peaks at Kacchan from beneath fluttering eyelashes.

Kacchan shifts his eyes back to his computer and types another line, pointedly loud against the room's still silence.

When they play this game, whoever breaks first (or whoever wants whatever they're after more) will relent and go to the other, so this can go one of two ways; Izuku will pull himself from his lounging position to drape himself over Kacchan, or Kacchan will pull himself from his work and lavish Izuku with the attention he deserves.

Today, Izuku takes it upon himself to move things forward—Kacchan is in one of those moods where it could take hours to break him down, and Izuku needs results now.

So with an impatient, gusty sigh pulled deep from his lungs, Izuku heaves himself up and slinks over to Kacchan's grand desk, stalking up from behind him. When Kacchan makes the mistake of glancing at Izuku from the corner of his eye, Izuku pounces.

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