Grown up in all the right places | Gay_idiot15 | Massive Trigger Warning

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"Of course!" Katsuki shouts with a big smile on his face and a determined look in his eyes, holding his pinky out again."Pinky swear! I'll only ever let Deku see my privates!"

Thank God the Bakugous never thought to invest in security cameras.


First post on ao3 ever, whoop-whoop!

I'm not an ok human being.

Plus I headcannon Izuku to have strawberry blonde hair in all quirkless universes, fight me.

 His sweetheart

Izuku was looking for a way to make some money and a little work experience.

No where was hiring, so he decided give babysitting a try. Conveniently, he lived in the same area as one of the busiest parents in the neighborhood, just a couple blocks apart.
He was always told that he great with kids, like he was born a natural. It was an unspoken thing to leave your crotch goblins with the kind, 15 year-old strawberry-blonde at the neighborhood events because when he was around not only did their kids behave, Izuku made it fun.

So when Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugou heard about this miracle worker they decided to give Izuku a try, even if they weren't sure if he would work.
They were getting desperate, every other babysitter they hired always said the same things about Katsuki, that he was insufferable, rude, and that he was too difficult to put up with, and they always asked for extra pay for having to deal with the little menace (of course they payed them extra, Mitsuki Bakugou may be an asshole but she's not an entitled asshole). No matter how much much they told the boy that he had to be nice, he just wouldn't listen.

Yet when they hired Izuku and asked him how their first day together was, getting their wallets ready while doing it, he said something they weren't expecting.

"He was wonderful!"


He what-?

"Yeah! We watched some movies, went out on a walk through the park, played heros and villains, we even gave each other nicknames! Right Kacchan?" he asked as he walked up to to the dumbfounded couple, looking back towardsthe eight year-old.

Nicknames? 'KACCHAN'!?

"That's right Deku!" He shouted.

Ok, pretty rude, but Izuku looks happy?

Then looking to his parents with a wide, feral smile on his face, their brat runs up to Izuku and hugs his side. "Mom dad, Deku's my new babysitter now! We're keeping him, no take-backs!"

Before either parents could say anything, the teen put his hand on the blondes shoulder, pulling him deeper to the hug and told the little beast "Kacchan I would love to be your babysitter but that's for your parents to decide, not you" in a gentle but stern tone.
And the little monster didn't fight back.

To they're complete shock, Katsuki adored Izuku. It was obvious, even if the little shit tried to play it off. (he was very convincing while holding one of the freckled teen's hands with both of his own) The eight year-old was still a stubborn brat of course, but the teenager didn't even mind, and Katsuki actually listened and answered the teen whenever Izuku talked to him instead of telling him to fuck off or just ignoring him.

Oh, yeah. They're keeping him.

From then on, Izuku was their go–to babysitter for the next five months, but as time went on, he started to.. Feel things..

It always happened when he would help the blonde boy change, or catch him walking around shirtless/pantsless before telling him to go put some clothes on. The warmth that bloomed between Izuku's thighs; he chalked it up to him being a hormonal teenager, that it had nothing to do with the eight year-old and it was just happening randomly.

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