Of First Times | Anonymous

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Katsuki is partly the reason why Izuku is a size queen. That discovery had been particularly enlightening to say the least.

Katsuki is partly the reason why Izuku is a size queen. That discovery had been particularly enlightening to say the least.

The first time they'd had sex, Izuku found out that Katsuki was proportionately big everywhere. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that his massive boyfriend had a matching massive cock but the moment Izuku had seen Katsuki pull his sweats down to reveal his dick, hard and ready to go, Izuku had gone cross eyed.

"That's not– I don't think that's going to fit, Kacchan."

"We'll make it fit, babe."

It had taken a lot of prep to finally be able to take that fat cock in his pussy.

Kacchan had eaten him out, getting him nice and wet and soft before spreading him open. With Izuku's body submitting, he'd continued licking into his wet folds, sucking at his clit and fingering his hole till he had the smaller man needy and squirming on the sheets. He'd been made to cum like that and once he was relaxed enough, Kacchan began to slowly add another finger, then another, and another; until Izuku's pussy was stretched over four of Kacchan's fingers. His chubby cunt lips looking obscene as it lazily mouthed around the thick digits. Pliant, red and so beautifully swollen. He'd been leaking so much too, his slick drooling out from deep within his gaping hole, smearing his thighs and even sliding down Kacchan's wrist.

He'd felt so fucking full. Virgin pussy slowly made to bloom like a pretty flower for his boyfriend. It had had Izuku desperately crying out as bright sparks of wondrous sensations overloaded his system. The pleasure racing up from his pussy and clit, rushing through his veins until his entire body felt like a single live wire.

"K-Kacchan...this is–"

"Almost, baby. Think you can take a little more? One more finger?"

"Hng! No, it's too much– Kacchan, I can't!" He'd babbled. He squirmed as the fingers in his cunt started to move in quick, short jabs; Kacchan's knuckles roughly dragging against the silky walls of his pussy.

"You can." Katsuki insisted. "One more, baby. Your pretty pussy can take more. Breathe through it. I gotchu, princess."

Painstakingly slowly, Katsuki brought his thumb to join the other four digits, arranging them in a conical shape and tentatively pushing at the entrance of Izuku's weeping hole. Carefully, cautiously, stretching out Izuku's poor little cunt even more until he was knuckles deep inside.

"Oh my godd. Ohhh, oh f-full." The moment Izuku felt Kacchan's entire hand slipping inside him, it felt like he was filled to bursting. A heady mixture of pain and pleasure exploding from his core, shooting off like fireworks the more Kacchan pushed inside. Until–

"Holy shit. You have my entire hand inside your pussy. Fuck, how's it feel?" Katsuki's voice sounded awed. Then slowly, he started to pump his entire fist in and out, preparing Izuku's cunt for the cock it would soon take.

"Fucking hell, I'm fisting you, baby. Look 'Zuku, look how your slutty pussy is taking me."

The dark grit in the blond's voice had Izuku straining to open his teary eyes. He'd looked down and watched with similar astonishment, as Katsuki's entire fist appeared and disappeared into his body. Izuku groaned, body shaking as another wave of pleasure rippled through him. The sight of his hungry pussy repeatedly swallowing Katsuki's entire hand down to his wrist, triggering another orgasm.

When his vision and senses had returned to him, he was greeted by the sight of Katsuki towering over him. His dick at full mast, looking like a veritable monster in his hand as he stroked it with the same fist that was mere moments ago, fucking Izuku's pussy. Izuku remembered heat pooling in his belly as he watched Katsuki fully coat his cock in Izuku's slick. Then without preamble, Katsuki lined up with Izuku's gaping cunt and ever so slowly, inched forward into him.

Despite the thorough prep, every inch of fat cock fed into his awaiting pussy had Izuku gasping for breath. While Kacchan's dick was as thick as his wrist, it was also so much longer, reaching far deeper than Kacchan had fisted him. Inch by inch, it had forcefully carved space inside Izuku, molding him to its shape and ruining him for any other.

By the time Katsuki had finally bottomed out, Izuku was a whiny, babbling mess with no coherent thoughts. Tears freely streamed down his cheeks and a cacophony of gasps and whimpers left his mouth, high and breathy and only half intelligible.

"Good?" Kacchan asked, voice strained as he kissed his tears away.

"Good. Oh god, you're so– so deep."

Kacchan let out a chuckle that quickly cut off into a choke when Izuku curiously clenched his pussy, his inner walls clamping down on the throbbing cock splitting him in half. It felt so good. A dick so good it's addictive.

"Move, Kacchan. Please? Need more– ah!"

And then Kacchan moved. He'd started slow with long senual strokes that had them both groaning. The sheer size of it meant that each thrust in, it hit that elusive sweet spot inside his pussy. With every moan he'd wrung out of his boyfriend, Katsuki's confidence grew and soon he was fully fucking into Izuku, his hips a blur, his cock pistoning in and out of Izuku's cunt and his heavy balls slapping against Izuku's ass.

With each brutal thrust, the pain of the stretch faded until all it left in its wake was mind numbing pleasure. It had Izuku desperately clawing at Katsuki's back, legs wrapped around that trim waist, crying for more. To go deeper and harder and faster. He'd lost himself, his mind sinking into bliss at the perfect feeling of fullness.

The pleasure swelled like a balloon, rising in his chest until finally, it burst. With twin cries, they both came.

Izuku screamed, his third orgasm of the night whiting out his eyes and making his entire body tense and spasm. As he rode out the orgasm, he was distantly aware of Kacchan's own moans, Izuku's name at his lips and then the searing warmth filling him. Every rope of cum released into him had Kacchan's cock twitching from where it was pressed up kissing his cervix. Izuku could feel it in his belly, could see the small bulge already forming.

He'd felt an unexplainable twinge of sadness when Katsuki had pulled out, leaving his pussy gaping and gushing a small river of their mixed releases. After being so full, the sudden emptiness seemed almost unbearable.

It had been a very memorable first time though. And if Izuku had learned he'd had a size kink, well... neither Katsuki nor Izuku is complaining about that. 

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