Docile | Direct

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"Come with me to the karaoke bar after work."

Izuku's pretty pink mouth drops open into a temping 'o', and he nervously shuffles his feet and self-soothingly rubs the edge of his skirt between his fingers. He didn't want to disappoint Bakugou especially with such a kind offer but..

"I-I'm sixteen, Dy- K-Kacchan, sir. I don't think I can.."

"C'mon kid," cocksure, teasing— Katsuki keeps it light, but there's an underlying tone of command. "I'm Dynamight. I can slip ya in if I have to."


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1

"- annd your desk, right next to the break room. If you need anything, just swing by my station, alright?" The pink-haired woman scratches her cheek, giving a polite smile to the young boy. "Good luck."

"Ah— thank you, Aoi-san!"

The long-time office worker nods, looking at the young man from top to bottom. If she were being honest, he was as cute as a button, wide-eyed and sweet as he beams up at her. "The list of things you need to do are on your work desk.. if you finish all of them, then you can take a break or something."

Izuku couldn't help the wide grin that breaks across his face as his coworker-? Waves him off, walking away to her own station situated across the room. He was practically vibrating with excitement as he sits in his small cubicle— feet swinging as he places his work bag on the desk, right next to the computer.

He can't believe it! Izuku muffles his squeal of delight with a hand as he starts to Izuku-fy his workplace. It was a little drab, but with a cute cup-holder and his Dynamight-themed highlighters (limited edition!!) to occupy it, he was already feeling like home!

He could barely contain his tears, overwhelmed. Izuku was hired as an intern in Dynamight's Agency! His application was good (stuffed to the brim with mostly his grades and schoolwork ethic) but he was quirkless— and Izuku knew the odds that someone with a quirk, no matter how useless it were to an office job, was more likely to get hired than him. It made Izuku sad, but really, does it matter now?

The omega straightens his back and puffs his chest, eyes snapping at the pink sticky-note on his cubicle wall, black ink containing his directions for the day. A stack of paperwork that needed simple once-overs, and making sure that the sidekicks' schedules were on the straight and narrow before they get posted tomorrow. Easy, manageable, so Izuku scrambles to look through the paperwork already stacked on his meager desk.

Izuku won't lie. He applied for the job because of Dynamight.

The alpha was amazing, a blinding supernova in a space filled with stars, making other heroes pale in comparison. He was older than Izuku, rugged, scarred, foul mouthed and jarring, but he was so so so heroic . Dynamight had blasted himself to the top of the charts in only five years, and maintained the spot until now in his mid-thirties. His quirk, explosion, was as bright as him, and Izuku's breath was always taken away as he watched through his TV screen as Pro Hero Dynamight saved the day over and over again.

It doesn't hurt that he was so handsome. Izuku feels himself blush as he has to reread half the document again after his brain jumped to a whole different section after thinking about Dynamight. The alpha was tall, and whenever the news cameras managed to get a close-up after a villain fight— oh, Izuku shakes his head to guiltily dismiss the thoughts.

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