Of Rumours and Truths | Anonymous

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Katsuki's friends have opinions about his boyfriend. Except, they couldn't be more wrong.

Katsuki knows the truth– Izuku is far from vanilla. His baby is a little freak, bless his heart.

Katsuki doesn't mean to eavesdrop.

It's happened far more times than he cares to admit but he'll still maintain that he's not the party at fault. If people choose to have private conversations in public and he just so happens to overhear– well, that's on them.

Except this time, it's not random extras going on about something he could give less of a fuck about. It's his own friends. Talking about his relationship with his boyfriend.

He wants to be mad. To barge in and raise hell for even daring to speak about him, about Deku behind his back. But all that rage promptly evaporates from his body when he hears exactly what they're saying. Instead he raises a silent eyebrow, amusement quickly filling him.

"Man, Kacchan's so pent up these days." Dunce Face says, chewing obscenely as he speaks. "Dude needs to get laid. You think he made Midoriya mad and isn't getting any?"

"Nah. I saw them yesterday. They looked as disgustingly in love as usual. And Midoriya had all these hickeys on him like he'd been mauled or something. I don't think they'd be sucking face like that if Bakugou was in the dog house."

Well at least Sero has some common sense.

"Then maybe–" Kaminari swallows, smacking his lips before continuing. "Maybe Midoriya just... isn't that good of a lay."

Surprising himself, instead of the usual fury that's become so familiar, Katsuki fights down the urge to laugh at the ludicrous statement.

'If only you extras knew.'

Unsurprisingly, it's Kirishima who objects to Denki's bold proclamation, interjecting quickly in an effort to shut down the topic before it gets out of hand.

"Kami, bro! Don't– that's so unmanly. It's not our business anyway. And Midobro is our friend! We shouldn't talk about him that."

"Relax, Kiri. I'm just saying... we all know the type of people Kacchan used to fuck around with before Midoriya. Not a diss against him but he just seems so innocent, yanno?"

"Hm. I sorta agree with Denki." Raccoon Eyes pipes up out of nowhere. "That boy is sunshine incarnate. He seems so...vanilla. Not that there's anything wrong with vanilla! But maybe they're just not compatible in the bedroom?"

Katsuki stiffles down the laugh that bubbles up in his throat. Deku? Vanilla? Pffft.

His thoughts rewind back to last weekend. Or more specifically, the activities of last weekend.

Deku– his Izuku, surprising him in lingerie and shyly asking him if they could try something new. When Katsuki had simply nodded, still too awed at the divine sight of swathes of freckled skin beautifully wrapped in delicate lace, the little minx had smiled, bent over, his hands reaching back to part his ass– and promptly given Katsuki another round of mini heart palpitations.

The sinful vision of an anal plug in his virgin ass and Izuku's favourite vibrator buzzing away in his pussy was enough to get Katsuki on the verge of cardiac arrest. He'd gotten light headed with how fast blood had rushed from his head to his cock.

Izuku had looked good enough to eat in the dim light of their bedroom. And eat him Katsuki had. Plucked the long vibe out of his chubby pussy and shoved his tongue in it's place to lick up the leaking pussy juice that trickled out; sucking and slurping to the sounds of his boyfriend moaning his name like a prayer and writhing above him.

And once he'd cleaned that needy pussy up real good, he'd tugged on the end of his sparkling steel butt plug and they'd both watched Izuku's pretty pink asshole stretch around the bulbous intrusion; watched as Izuku's buttery rim stretched and stretched, mouthing at the plug's not insignificant circumference before it had popped out with a soft plop. Both of them moaning at the image of Izuku's pliant hole winking with the slightest gape, just begging to be filled again.

He'd taken Izuku's anal virginity that night. Fucked him with his princess plug, then eaten him out again to his second orgasm while scissoring his pucker with a more generous helping of lube– because Katsuki's dick is big and as much as he wanted to just sheath himself in that tight heat and watch it struggle to swallow him whole, he also wanted to make it good for Izuku.

And it had been. Good. Better than good, great even. His baby had taken to anal like he was made for it. Had begged so beautifully, meeting Katsuki's rough thrusts eagerly– enthusiastically– while clutching at the sheets and whining his name.

They'd both cum so fucking hard like that. Katsuki grunting something hardy and half-feral, dropping his load in Izuku's thoroughly debauched ass and Izuku– squirming as he squirted on Katsuki's cock and fingers, coming for the third time that evening.

"Ah, Kacchan. You like?" Izuku had asked coyly after the affair, snuggled back into his chest, ass still pressed perfectly to his crotch, cockwarming him. "Maybe next time we can film you fucking my ass? I wanna– wanna see you stretch me out. It felt so good." He had sighed, blissed out.

Leaning against the wall, just out of sight, Katsuki snickers into his fist.

Izuku is far from vanilla. His baby is a little freak, bless his heart.

His dick twitches in his pants as if agreeing with the sentiment.

He's brought back to the present when Sero's voice calls out once more.

"Can we stop speculating on Bakugou's sex life? Dude has a sixth sense for shit like this and I know you two have zero sense of self preservation but personally, I don't want to die when he inevitably finds out you've been talking shit behind his back."

There's half hearted protest from tweedle dumb and tweedle dee, mumbling voices that proclaim their innocence and good intentions.

"Alright. That's enough." Comes a beleaguered voice, speaking up for the first time.

Shit, Katsuki didn't realise Eyebags was even here. Quiet bastard.

There's a moment of silence, a click of tongue and then–

"It's always the quiet, nerdy ones anyway..."

"Yeah, bro! Wait‐ uhh. I mean, anyway..." Blessedly, Shitty Hair changes the topic. Heralding the two gossip mongers to some other subject like a shepherd with infinite patience herding sheep to greener pastures.

Katsuki sighs. He just wanted to eat lunch and maybe fuck around the rest of the day with his dumbass friends but now he has to deal with this shit. At least he got something to tell Izuku later tonight. Get a couple laughs in when you can after all.

He pulls his phone out and texts Kirishima, the message going through immediately as evidenced by the loud ping of the redhead's phone.

"Oh hey! It's Bakugou, guys. He's done with his lecture and meeting us for lunch. Nice." He hears clumsy fingers type something out and then sees the silent notification that pops up on his own screen a second later. He doesn't bother to read it. Something too cheery with far too many exclamation marks and a dozen or so flexing emojis surely.

"Sixth sense..." He hears Soy Face mumble as he begins to wait out the ten minutes it would usually take him to make it here from class.

And if later he accidently spills sticky soda all over Kaminari and finishes all of Mina's fries, well– an accident and nothing more.

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