Diaboli Amor | bundie

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Roman Prince Midoriya Izuku loves tending to his royal champion, Bakugou Katsuki, after a fight in the colosseum.


25 Days of Kinkmas Day 23: Bondage & Begging

AFAB terms are used in reference to Izuku.

Work Text:

The royal watched the gladiator fighting below with a tight lipped frown. A cacophony of cheers rose through the colosseum as the explosive blonde wove between his opponents. Part way through the fight, Prince Izuku had grown tired of its progress. Not of the gladiator, never of Katsuki. He would never tire of the broad shouldered man, muscles gleaming with sweat and blood, narrow waist twisting as he elegantly dodged blow after blow, sword shining like the rays of the sun before burying in his opponent's chest.

But it was the way the fights always went.

Each fight was the same; a brutish gladiator thinking he could rise against the royal favored and would be pounded into the dirt too quickly for it to be considered a mercy, let alone entertainment. The challenger would rush in like a blind fool, thinking they were stronger, faster, smarter than Katsuki.

It always ended the same too, and Izuku grew restless. He wanted to challenge his glorious gladiator, make him prove not only his worth as Rome's number one fighter, but that he deserved the title as the royal favorite. Izuku knew of course, that no one would ever compare, that his Katsuki would always hold that title so long as Izuku ruled, but the rest of his people didn't know everything Katsuki was capable of.

So halfway through Katsuki's fight, Izuku had signaled to open the gate and introduce a new player to the field.

Even from his position in the Imperial Box, he could see Katsuki's wild smirk appear. It sent a thrill down Izuku's spine and a tremor between his legs.

There was a grumbling growl that echoed from the shadowed gate and before anyone could blink, a flash of gold and the lion's teeth were buried in the challenger's shoulder. Katsuki rolled away from the slashing claws, baring his canines at the big cat. Katsuki and the lion fought in tandem, their opponent falling in a fit of blood and fur.

The cheers reached a riotous peak at the display. Katsuki and the lion circled each other, seemingly batting at each other, ready to fight.

The lion charged and Katsuki steadied himself.

The crowd roared and Izuku grinned.

The jungle cat headbutted Katsuki's chest, grumbling loud enough to be heard in the Imperial Box. He circled the gladiator, chuffing and tail thrashing, rubbing his fuzzy face against the sweaty, victorious man. Katsuki scratched the lion behind the ear and leveled his crimson gaze to Izuku. He raised his sword, a pointed, unspoken promise. Izuku inclined his head, smiling wide. Katsuki stalked back beneath the colosseum with the lion at his heels to the sound of the crowd's cries.

"Continue the games," Izuku said to his advisor, Tenya, as he turned to leave the box.

Tenya gave a beleaguered sigh. Nothing he could say would keep the royal there to finish watching the rest of the fights now that his champion had walked off.

"Of course, your Imperial Highness." Tenya said. Izuku gave him a blindingly bright smile over his shoulder and disappeared through the curtains. He had a limited amount of time if he wanted to catch Katsuki before he left for the baths.

Izuku moved like a shadow in the halls below the colosseum and he found Katsuki at the lion's den, administering belly rubs. Izuku hid his smile behind his long sleeves and watched the champion chuff and paw at the lion like they were members of the same pride, young cubs playing together in the dirt.

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