A Gift | tiredwrites

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After returning from a grueling adventure to get an extremely rare ingredient for his alchemist mate, Izuku falls into a heavy slumber.

When he awakes once more, his Alpha is there to greet him and properly thank him for the large amount of the ingredient Izuku managed to harvest, with sweet words and a special gift.

or...bkdk where katsuki eats izuku out. this is an awful summary but it's basically 80% porn lol

I'll fix the summary...hopefully


this fic is loosely a part two to fic of mine !! it is not a/b/o tho, so i guess it kinda isn't a second part? but, it does follow barbarian!deku & alchemist!kacchan, so if that is something you enjoy, feel free to read if after! :]

happy reading!

"Kacchan, I'm back!" Izuku shouted, a gleeful smile as he stretched in their front door, feeling his bones pop and crack, a glorious feeling of relief spreading throughout the Omega's body. The large Omega smacked his lips together as he shed most of his gear in a messy pile, knowing he'd be scolded by Kacchan later, but all he wanted to do is be cuddled by the Alpha and smell his Alpha's scent after a nearly two-week endeavor for another rare ingredient that only bloomed in a small time period. Izuku had to basically race against time to get the ingredient before it withered and wouldn't bloom for another four months. So, after a grueling two weeks, he was /finally/ home and wanted to bask in the feeling of his and Kacchan's combined scents washing over him.

"Kacchan?" Izuku called out, tongue poking out of the side of his lips as he kicked off his boots, shaking his foot like a cat would to fling the dirt-caked boot off, hitting the wall. The large Omega huffed when no response came, a pout forming on plush lips as he bent down to grab the two wooden boxes the ingredients had been placed in, both packed to the brim with enough ingredients to last, hopefully, a while.

But, knowing his Kacchan, the Alpha would eventually send him out to gather more of the ingredients, but he'd have to hope it wouldn't be till the next blooming session. Izuku grumped softly, a slightly agitated mrrp leaving his pouting lips as he walked deeper into their home, searching for the blond Alpha. He checked the office, the cellar, even Katsuki's laboratory - which Izuku had dug out for him under their house, same with the cellar. He was very handy! - but the blond was nowhere to be seen.

Izuku sighed, disappointment filling him as the dream of being welcomed home and dragged into their nest was shattered, waddling off toward their bedroom. Gently, the Omega set the boxed ingredients down on the nightstand, shucking his necklaces and other gear off, leaving it in another pile Kacchan would most likely scold him for. The Omega yawned as he found one of Katsuki's larger shirts, pulling it over his muscled body. The Omega kicked off his pants, left in nothing but soft boxers and a slightly oversized shirt laying over his bulky form.

Izuku pouted as he tucked himself into their warm bed, a calloused thumb tracing over the tattoo situated on his left shoulder, a soft pout forming as he closed his tired eyes, falling into a warm, dreamless sleep after the exhaustion finally hit.


Katsuki arrived home with dinner slung over his shoulder, a meaty buck with long spread antlers, and many prongs growing from the antlers. The Alpha had managed not to nuke the shot and actually caught the buck he had seen around for a couple of weeks. He knew his buck antler stash was growing low, and usually, Deku did the hunting since the big idiot could not cook to save his life.

Sometimes, Katsuki wonders how Deku survives on long trips when he doesn't come along. Although knowing Deku and his lineage of being a barbarian, he wouldn't put it past the large Omega to eat whatever he cooks raw. He's pretty sure he's seen Deku take a few raw meat chunks while he was cooking before Katsuki chased him away with a wooden spoon raised in warning.

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