A Corruption Of Souls | midoriyasour

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Angels who are stupid enough to get caught by a demon don't have a great future ahead of them. Actually, they don't really have a future at all.

Izuku knows it very well as he walks behind a blond-haired demon, bound in obsidian and with a purplish Mark on his arm that tells the world he's been claimed.


I've been writing this for months, I wasn't even sure it would see the light of day tbh

BUT I'm proud of how it came out !! I enjoyed writing every scene, so I guess that's already a win !

Please mind the TAGS.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

When Izuku got captured, he knew exactly what was going to happen to him. Yes, he knew. Down to every gory detail, he knew. Yet, there was nothing he could do about it.

He'd been on Earth alone, something anyone in Heaven would advise against—but he'd been looking for his human after having felt this weird, dreadful pang in his chest that told him something bad was about to happen to them. If it actually did, Izuku would never know. He never got to them.

Apparently, even the demon who put him in obsidian manacles and was currently dragging him to Hell had no problem recognizing his immense stupidity.

"You know, you shouldn't even be mad at me." the demon says while pulling on the chain attached to Izuku's obsidian collar. "Being down here alone, you were practically asking for it. Are you one of those who'd do anything to sit on some demon cock, or are you just that fucking dumb?"

He bit his lip, drowning the instinct to defend himself from those vile accusations. He needed to avoid any unnecessary interaction, needed to keep his head low and his sanity intact until the right moment came. Izuku remembered his training perfectly.

Don't run—they're faster than you, stronger too. Once you're Marked with their sigil, there's nowhere you can hide anyway: they'll find you.

He looked at the runes glowing purple on his left arm, where the demon grabbed him as he tried to get away. Marked at first contact, just his luck.

Don't talk—they'll get inside your head. They are wicked creatures, perpetually looking for weakness. Begging and pleading won't do you any good.

Izuku would have very much liked to cry and beg to be let go, but he knew better: demons are not capable of mercy. He'd better stick to his training.

Don't resist—it's important to gain the demon's trust. Do what they say, no matter how diabolical or impious it is. God's love for you won't dwindle.

This part, Izuku didn't really believe. Angels were supposed to keep themselves pure, the effort it took to consistently stay devoid of sin was a big part of what being an angel meant. If he gave that up, what would be left if not an empty shell made of feathers and flesh? Could God keep loving something like that with the same strength?

Wait—quiet and still, wait for your chance. Don't be impatient, don't let fear guide your thoughts and actions. And when the moment is right, you shall set yourself free.

They walked for a long time. The demon was always two or three steps ahead of him, pulling him forward by the chain whenever he slowed down too much.

"Are you just not going to say anything at all? Fucking boring."

Oh, Izuku had things he wanted to say. Of course, he couldn't. So he just walked, keeping himself quiet by biting his own tongue and hoping this whole ordeal would end soon. Please, just let it end soon.

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