General Bakugo | Sir_Arwin

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A quick AU of Izuku joining the army and Katsuki being his general and fucking him. That's all.


Yeah idk why I wrote this. Have fun tho.

"Come on you shitheads ! If I don't see you sweating you're not going hard enough !" The general yelled on the soldiers.

Bakugo Katsuki, general in the army, was known to be harsh and extremly intelligent, on top of it, he was an alpha. He was tasked to take care of the new soldiers who just got into the army, most of them were there because of the mandatory service. Some were there because they wanted to.

Now enters Izuku Midoriya, a newbie. It was his first day in the army. He was determined to become a great soldier. When he arrived to the training camp, General Bakugo was already waiting, with a glare he watched as the people he was supposed to train talked and met each other.

It seemed that two of them were flirting already, smiling at each other. A short guy with green fluffly hair and a girl with a small brown ponytail. Katsuki glared at them from afar, and he could see the moment the guy felt that he was being watched. Their eyes met, and the guy, oh so pretty with so much freckles covering his face, offered a smile to Katsuki.

"Tch" Katsuki walked away, stupid newbies. They didn't know what was waiting for them.

They first had to run.

Izuku gulped, he knew he was fast, but he didn't know how fast the others were. He was a rare male omega, most of the people he knew misgendered him as a beta at first. He was always told as a child that he didn't look like an omega, in fact, he was more built like an alpha, and had very few curves. He knew he had great assets, he has had boyfriends, girlfriends, and they all told him he had a perfect ass.

Katsuki Bakugo told them it was a race, and they'll be competing, as the last one will receive more physical exercises as punishment. Knowing the general, it was probably something like running 10 times the parkour during their free time in the evening.
Izuku hoped to not be the last one to finish the race.
None of them knew the parkour, it was supposed to test their ability to face imprevisibility.

Izuku wanted to be in the army, he had to reassure his mother that it was alright, he would be okay, to go volunturarily. Since he was an omega, he wasn't legally obligated to do the mandatory year, but it was his dream, since he was a little child, to save people. He wanted to be someone helping others, his mother begged him to do something else, she said he could be a doctor, a teacher or anything that was safe. Instead, Izuku refused.

He aced the race.
He finished first, and at the end, when he was taking deep breaths after having run so fast, he felt a hand ruffling his hair.

"That wasn't bad." Praised the general.

Izuku fixed his posture as he thanked his general for the praise.

"Deku huh ? Weird name. Didn't think you were an omega, you're sure you are one ?" Katsuki asked with a raised brow.

Izuku looked confused until he noticed what Katsuki was looking at.
They all got a card with their name and secondary gender so that they could access to their rooms. So all the female alphas were together, all the male alphas were together, and same thing for the male omegas and female omegas.

Katsuki saw his card.

"Well, I am Izuku, and yes, I am an omega." Izuku confidently answered.

Katsuki looked at his eyes and smirked.

"We'll see what you can do then." He said, walking away.

General Bakugo was definitly challenging Izuku.
They had several strenght tests, the same exercises for all of them, and each and every time Izuku could feel the eyes spying on him.
It wasn't only that, but the alpha was always near him, ready to punish him for any wrong movement. Izuku learned that when he was exhausted after a 10 minute plank. His stomach was aching so much that he couldn't bear it anymore.

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