Don't Stop | lifeaccordingtocass

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Izuku's throat bobbed as he swallowed. "What else is on your mind, Kacchan?"

Wild roses bloomed in his cheeks. Izuku was seriously going to make him say it out loud. How would he react? Would it be so bad, for Katsuki to admit that the thought of Izuku breeding him turned him on. Would it be so bad ... if Izuku did knock him up? God, it may have been so fucking impulsive, but he already knew the answer. After a very brief moment of thought, he replied, "You knocking me up."


Katsuki gets horny from a fanfiction he's reading, and suddenly decides he wants Izuku to knock him up.

Katsuki couldn't sleep worth a shit. His mind was running wild— too wild. The thoughts of the most recent fanfiction he'd just read were still fresh in the forefront of his mind. It only makes it worse that the fanfiction was about him and his husband.

Katsuki and Izuku had an amazing sex life. If they could, they wouldn't go a single day without fucking. But, the two being within the Top Five pro heroes of Japan, sometimes time would escape them, and they didn't have as many opportunities as they once did. Like in the early days of their relationship and marriage.

He honestly didn't mean to read through the entire thing, but it was as easy as logging into Twt, and one just so happened to pop up on his timeline. The tags in themselves were enough to pique Katsuki's interest. He had looked sheepishly at his sleeping husband, who was still very much passed out, snoring ever so softly. Katsuki threw the blanket over his head, and read ... nonstop.

The fic was just pure porn without plot, and sprinkled with public sex and humiliation. Basically, Izuku fucking Katsuki in a hall closet at their agency. With other Pros walking by, and Izuku covering his mouth so they can't hear his moans of utter pleasure.

'Fuc—Kacchan—!' 'Shhhh ... you want everyone to see their top hero getting his pussy split open at work?'

Katsuki groaned softly. The visual in his head to the butterflies fluttering in his chest went straight to his pussy. His heartbeat throbbed in his clit, making him slick up quicker than a bitch in heat.

God ... he needs Izuku. He needs the real Izuku. Not this fictional one. Even though he's positive that Izuku would do those things for him in a heartbeat, he wouldn't want to put Izuku through the possibility of getting caught. And even right now, Izuku deserved to sleep. Just because Katsuki couldn't sleep, and was now horny as all hell, it wouldn't be right to disturb Izuku's sleep.

Then ... he came to a part of the fic that Katsuki hadn't expected.

'I'm gonna breed this pussy. You want me to come inside you, Kacchan? Knock you up right here, right now.—'

Katsuki whimpered, suddenly not giving a shit if he was being loud. "Yes."

' Is that what you want, baby?'

Holy shit—

That was incredibly unexpected. Katsuki mindlessly slipped his fingers between his folds, and over the bundle of overactive nerves, unintentionally bucking at the sensation. He plunged his fingers into his sopping cunt, collecting some of his juices, then began circling his swollen clit. Hearing those words in Izuku's voice; heavy with arousal, thick like honey and sweet as sin.

"F-fuck," Katsuki purred.

Izuku would do it too ... and Katsuki knew it. He'd come inside and knock him right up. They'd talked about having kids before, but in the height of their career, they decided they would wait. But the thought of just pure, virile instinct taking over. Fuck, breed, mate. Katsuki moaned again, this time just laying the phone on his chest, and going off sole imagination. His now free hand went back to his pussy, pumping in and out slowly. His senses zeroed in on the lewd sounds he was making, and the sweet nothings in his head.

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