Birthday Baby | Anonymous

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"Alright shortstack, what's going on?" Katsuki asks, settling them both down on the couch.

"Okay." Izuku takes another lungful of his mate's scent. "Um, remember I mentioned this morning that I was going to see the doctor? For that, uh, flu that's been going around?"

"Yeah, you've been all pukey and tired and shit. Why, what'd the doc say?" There's a furrow between blond eyebrows and Izuku resists the urge to straighten it.

"Well. Good news is, I don't have the flu." And before Kacchan can speak, "I'm not sick at all actually."

He pauses, steeling himself for the next part but the words suddenly seem stuck in his throat. A quick glance at his husband shows that Kacchan has that particular look in his eyes. His husband isn't dumb. Quite the opposite actually and right now Izuku can see those gears turning in real time, slowly piecing the clues together.

"You're not sick." Katsuki says, "but you are something..."


Katsuki gets one hell of a birthday surprise.


A little late but Happy Birthday, Katsuki!

Izuku paces the living room, a volatile mix of anxiety, excitement and dread all swirling inside him like some messed up emotional cocktail. A quick glance at the clock reminds him that it's nearing 6 o'clock. Kacchan will be home any moment now and despite having thought thoroughly all day for broaching this particular topic with his husband, he's still clueless and unsure. Sure, he knows what to say. It's the how to say it part that has him biting his lip and mumbling under his breath.

Unconsciously, in the middle of his mini meltdown, his hand snakes up to rest on his belly. Right. He needs to calm down. He forces himself to take a deep breath and stop burning a hole in the living room carpet.

He's pregnant. He's still coming to terms with the fact that he's pregnant. Still in the process of grasping the fact that there's a however big bundle of cells inside him right now, right this very moment, that will grow and grow to form a whole new life. A life that is half him and half Kacchan.

Despite the anxiety, he can't deny that he's excited. And admittedly, this makes it all the more scarier to tell Katsuki. The possibility that Katsuki's reaction to this news might not match his own. What would he do if Kacchan gets annoyed or disappointed when he finds out that Izuku wants to keep the baby? What would they do then? A part of him knows that his alpha would never leave him, that Katsuki Bakugou isn't the type of man to quit or give up when things go wrong. But Izuku acknowledges that he's an overthinker and well-

They're both pretty young to be having a baby right now. Recent graduates living in a one-bedroom apartment with fledging careers. Not broke per say, just saving for something better. But still too young. Then again, Izuku smiles still rubbing at his stomach, everything about them and their relationship can be described like that. Too fast, too young, too soon. Childhood friends who courted at 15, mated at 17, married at 20 and now pregnant at 21.

"It's very on-brand if nothing else" Izuku giggles part hysterically, part nervously.

Katsuki has been with him every step of the way and Izuku shouldn't doubt that his mate, his husband will continue to be with him through this too. Determination blazes through him with new life at the thought. He nods, shaking off the nerves. He's going to tell Katsuki and get it over with. In another world, perhaps Izuku would take a day or two to calm his own nerves before breaking the news, maybe wait until after Katsuki's birthday but unfortunately, the universe has horrible timing for allowing this to happen today of all days.

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