Chapter 57 ( Kendall) Confused

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"!I made myself look extra cute today" Jesica tells me
And she does look really cute and I finish my pancakes . I am not sure if Shane is coming down to eat breakfast or not .
I guess it might work I mean we did it four times . And he seems really into it .
But I don't know if he wants to tell people . I know he wanted me to sneak in the back way which I refused to .
" Good morning everyone " Shane says as he walks into the room

" Mom I am scared " Jessica plays

" It is good to see you like this " Linda says to her handsome son

" like what" he says with a mouth full of pancakes

We all laugh , which I think is a good thing because it cause the question to be forgot .

I don't know if he is in a good mood because of me but he thinks about it he may rebell or something.

On the ride Jesica is talking about what she is going to say to Bo I am trying to be there for her I just don't get why she wants to be with him knowing he cheated
" Jesica are you sure you want to be with him after everything " I ask

" Kendall is right he don't deserve you " Shane says

I am glad he thinks like I do

" Seriously you who sleeps with every girl and you was in a thing with Samantha and you did cheat on her ." She yells at her brother

Even though I know this I hate being reminded
" and we had not been going out that long so it really don't count " she adds

" That is true if y'all would have been going out longer than it would be a lot worst " Shane says

Does that mean he can cheat because we have not been together long .
Actually we are not even together.

I don't see how this is gonna work , it is great but he thinks nothing of sex .

I can't say anything to him because Jesica might catch on .

" I guess I am sensitive because me and Austin was together for so long he was doing that the whole time I would hate to see that happen to you . Like maybe if he thinks he can get away with now he will always" I state

" What do you think Shane " she asks her brother

" I think men are assholes and most do cheat and you deserve better than that . He tells her

" But what I am supposed to do I like boys " she exclaims

" Don't worry sis I will put the fear of God in him " Shane tells his sister

" No Shane I want him to want to be with me because he wants to not because he is scared of you ." She whines

" Yea but what is the point in being with some one if they are going to cheat might as well just be with whoever when ever and have fun because most people are not faithfull " Shane says

His words scare me .

As we walk into the school ,
" I have to go to the bathroom " Jesica tells me

" See you later" Shane says to me and sounds so much like he don't care.

I was not expecting to have a make out session in the hallway but I did think he would walk me to my locker .

His words echo in my head all day . What is the point being with someone if they are going to cheat might as well just be with whoever when ever and have fun because most people are not faithful.

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