Chapter 41 ( Kendall) Nicer

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I am standing  looking in the mirror at myself . I don't look any different . But I never. Thought I would be the girl who would cheat but I did .
I was drinking we was in a pool and I got swept away .
But it don't make it right.
I don't want to hurt Derek . But it did feel amazing.
I know I have feelings for Shane Pitts , there no doubt about it . But I am very mad at myself for cheating . I did what Austin did to me , well not exactly I didn't have sex I just made out .
And Austin done that to me for years .
I know that I already had feelings for Shane before I got with Derek . But Shane didn't really want me then . I am not even sure he really wants me now . He could just want me because Derek does . There is something crazy going on with them anyway .
And he has admit he has hooked up with boy's girlfriend just to get back at the boys .
So this could be that .
Either way he was so sweet last night .
And when we got upstairs I had a second to think and I decided to back out of it.
I just told him I was tired and going to bed .
He was nice about but he asked if he could see me tomorrow.
So I am going to let him down easy . I don't want to hurt his feelings anyway .

And he does have this information he can tell Derek .
I probably should tell Derek myself but I am a coward . I just feel like why should I tell him and hurt him for no reason . It is not going to happen again . So telling Derek could only hurt him for no reason.
Finally I get my nerve up to go and let Shane down easy and beg him not to tell Derek.

I made sure I was not in anything revealing.
I have on a long pair of jeans and a hoddie . My hair is in a messy bun .

I take in a really long and deep breath I close my eyes and knock on Shane's door .

He opens up the door wearing a white t shirt and jeans he look great like always.
He smiles and he looks even more handsome.

                " Hey Kendall " he exclaims and before  a word out of my mouth he pulls me and his lips are on mine .

I kiss him back for a minute I know it was wrong it was wrong to Derek because I am cheating . It was wrong to Shane because it could lead him on .but it was even more wrong to me because I want to so much and I can't and it hurts to be close to him and no it won't go no where .
I push him back .

               " What is wrong ?" He asks

I walk over to a recliner he has in his room I sit on it but I am on the edge . My hands is on my knees I am sure I look nervous that is because I am.

          " You want me to get you something to eat or something " he asks

What is he doing ?
Why is he asking me do I want him to get me something?

          I don't answer
He looks so hot and I want nothing more then to kiss him . But I already made up my mind . It is not fair to Derek I don't want to hurt him , It is not fair to Me because I would be hurting because I want to be with Shane . And it fair to Shane either because I do want him and it is a waste of feelings .

He goes right into another sentence.

    " It took you a while to come over , I was beginning to think you wasn't going to ." He tells me

He seems different not like how he normally bes .
He is being really nice .

            " Shane iii" I stutter

He walks over and he bends down and his arm is across my legs .

         " Tell me what it is that is bothering you " he says there is a sincerity in his eyes

           " I am mad at myself for what we did last night " I admit

He gets a look of disgust on his handsome face . He gets up .
He takes a deep breathe then he asks

              " Why you don't really like me?"
How can he think that.

            " Because I have a boyfriend , and what we did was basically cheating " I tell him

       " I guess I mean we didn't sleep together but I won't lie to you before you went in I was so wanting to ." He admits

I am blushing but I look away from him but I know he sees it .

              " I could kind of tell you was pushing away last night " he says

This cause me to look at him .

He don't say nothing about my red cheeks , he just looks so sad .
I didn't mean to hurt him , but this Is. Shane Pitts I didn't think he could get hurt over a girl.

            " Shane you know after I found out about Austin cheating on me I felt so stupid , and probably everyone knew . Everyone but me ." I say

         " He is a stupid idiot, to have a girl like you and cheat " Shane says

  Does he mean that ?
Is he just trying to play me ?
Is this him trying to pull one over on Derek ?

             " Shane is this for something to do with your dislike for Derek " I ask

       "What " he yells
I stand up

        " I do dislike him but since he got with you I dislike him even more ." He tells me

Wow, I can't believe he said that.
Is this real ?
Or is this part of a game ?
I don't know what to believe.

          " So I am I some part of. A game or something."  I ask

He rushes to me and puts both of his hands on my face .

              " No I want you because I want you and I wanted you before he was in the picture." He tells me

I moved his hands and walk past him .

         " Then why did you tell me this would never happen again." I ask

He laughs " obviously that was a lie "  he states

            " But then why " I beg for a answer

            " Because I was protecting you " he tells me

          " Protecting me from what ."  I ask

          " From me ok " he screams

From him that dont makes any sense .

And he really was protecting me from him then why does he want this now , because he is still him , so what has changed .

Or is he just feeding me some lies .

         " Shane you didn't want me and now you do can't because I have a boyfriend you see how I would be confused " I tell him

           " I guess but this ain't about me wanting you I am in , the question is and I already know the answer do you want me " he says

I hope he can't read how I feel on my face ,
He walks closer and touches my arm .

           " I know you want me , I can feel it and last night you started striping and getting into the pool " he says
But the way he said it sounds like how he normally says things not how he been all nice .

             " Shane my question for you is will you keep this between us " I ask

He just looks at me .

         " Becasue as much as you hate Derek I don't want to be the one who hurts him " I say

          He walks over to his door and opens it and
             " I guess you will just have to see if I will or not "
Then he motions for me to leaves his room so I do .

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