Chapter 67 ( Kendall) Talking after the break up

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It has been a week since Shane broke up with me .
I didn't go out the weekend and actually Jessica stayed with me she has been so good threw this whole thing.
All week at school I had my friends by my side and also Arron been hanging with us .
He seems nice I might have judge him before .
And Christina thinks he is gay .
I have to admit why does he want to hang with 4 girls if he is not gay .

I been avoiding  Shane . I get up early and eat cereal and Jessica does too and we go to school early and I only see him from a distance. I try not to look at him because it hurts too much .

I am waiting for that day when it gets easier , when we can eat at the same table again .

    It been a long day at school and I just want to go home and take a nap .  My friends are going to get a burger , I told them to go ahead .

         " so where is the rest of the girls " Arron asks
He is holding on tight to his back pack or so it seems

            " They went to eat " I tell him 
His blonde  hair is falling in his eyes
He pushes back and smiles

        " we can hang if you want " he suggests

       " I am actually going home to take a nap " I say

       " oh " he says

               " I know I am wild " I say and laugh at my own stupidness

         " Umm well I actually wanted to ask you something , " he says

He lets out a breath and he seems nervous.

                    " I have a extra ticket to the Garth  Brooks
Concert it is at mobile thou " he tells me

I love concerts . But I mean I don't want to lead him on .

            " It is Saturday and I will have you home by midnight " he tries to convince me

       " Um can you give me until tomorrow to decide " I beg

      " Of course" he says
He leaves and I finish getting my things .

            " Hi" I hear the voice that I have found so much confront from

I turn around because I know I have to .

I am just going to pretend like it is not hurting me . That is until I know I can't no more .

            " Hi Shane "

          " Can I give you a ride " he asks
He has his hands in his pockets and he is moving back and froth .
          " Umm actually I have become fond of walking so I am just goin to walk thank you " I tell him

His face looks sad , but I can't feel bad for him when my heart is breaking .

           " ok well how have you been" he asks
Why is he asking ?
Dose he even care ?
I momentarily think of telling him
     { how have I been well you broke my heart into a million pieces and then stomp on it and I am sure you are just fine prombly already moved on }
But I don't say that
I just took at him and get the nerve to say

              " Shane I have been good and you "

      " miserable " he claims
This makes me think.
Is he lieing.

Why when he was the one who broken up with me .
It makes me think when he broke up with Samatha I had asked him how he was and he told me he was fine because he was the one who did the breaking up . But he did the. Breaking up this time too and he claim s he is miserable.
I just need to get away from him.

                 " I have to go " I say and try to walk away
But he moves and blocks me

        " Please give me a minute " he begs

      " Ok what do you want Shane" I say with so much inpatients

            " I just miss you " he tells me

How dare he .

         " Shane this was your ideal I would still be with you if had not broke up with me but I am glad we did " I say

        " You are " he says and there is no way to hide the hurt in his voice

          " I am glad because " I start to say but he interruptes me

         " You have moved on" he says
He is looking down and playing with his fingers like he does

              Why would he think I have moved on?
I mean who even could I have moved on with?

           " I have not moved on no where near it " I admit

         He looks I see something that makes me think of hope flicker in his eyes

                  " you have not moved on " he asks

      " No but I am glad because this was going to happen and better now because later I would have been even more hurt " I say

     " ii" he stutters
He quickly recovers and says

            " I never meant to hurt you "
Maybe he didn't but he had to think he would because everyone else did .

       " I figured out a way  it was right in front us the whole time " he says

     What this he talking about ?

        " What " I say

        " If you get on birth control then we won't have to worry if I get swept away with you again because you can't get pregnant " he says

So this is really what the break up was about ?

          " so you want me to get on the pill " I ask

      " I think it is a good option " he says

If he would have said this before he broke up with me I probably would have done it no questions asked but he hurt me so much .

            " oh hey " Arron says as he walks back up

       " We are in a conversation " Shane tells him rudely

        " I am sorry I just wanted to let you know if you decide
To go to the concert it starts at 7 but it is a long drive so I was thinking we can leave around 4:00" Arron says

         " What concert ,  wait long drive like out of town ,  Kendall you can't go out of town with this boy you don't even know " Shane says all at once

How can he think he has a right to tell me what to do .
           " Shane " I say to calm him

       " Don't you see because I seen It from the first day he is trying to get in your pants , you can't go out of town it is just not going to happen , I won't let it " he screams

        " you won't let it " I say to him

       " Arron I would love to go and I will be ready by 4 "
I tell him

Shane mouth drops

Arron leaves happy

I look at Shane almost like I don't know who he is

He was mean to me when I first got here then he wanted me then he didn't then he did and he wanted a relationship then he broke up then he wants to get back together .  It could all of this have something to do with Arron he has been hanging around a lot .

        " Kendall you have to rethink this "
He begs
Is this just him being jealous?
I have to admit he looks hot when he is jealous

         " did you want  to get back together , because you think he wants me , he is just a friend " I tell him

       " no I want to be with you and trust me he don't wan to be your friend "  he tells me

            " See ya Shane " I say and leave

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