Chapter 91 (Kendall) ( still being blackmailed)

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I am walking toward Hattie who is sitting on a bench in the park .
She  called me and demand that I meet her so here I am . I knew I better get to her
In a  hurry because  if I don't do what she wants she may have Shane arrested.

            " Hey Kendall sit " she demands a
And I do so

          " So I guess you are wondering why I wanted you to meet me here" she says

       " yes I am curious " I admit

     " I am out " she says bluntly

        What I don't know what she means

        " your out " I question

She has a look on her face that I can't figure out is she mad or sad .

          " I am out of all this I am not blackmailing you anymore " she tells me

I feel
Much relief
Now I can be with Shane

               " You are that is great " I exclaim

      " Well I am out but Derek is in and he is crazier than I thought " she says

I am confused .
I know Derek was blackmailing me too but it seemed like Hattie was the one doing most of it

          " I don't understand " I admit

       " Shane is never going to be over you I realize it last night and it is not good for my confidence." She tells me

           " He couldn't sleep with me because he was sad over you . I am not going to chase him when he is still pinning over you . " she adds

I can't help but feel good about what she just said .
Shane not sleeping with her because he is sad over me . So we both love each other .

        " So you are not going to black mail me " I ask and make sure

         " No but Derek is I told him and he is convinced he still has a chance with you " she tells me

Maybe if I convince him he don't have a chance then he will stop this craziness.


I am waiting for Derek we are meeting in a coffee place I didn't not tell him why I wanted to meet . I just hope he can be a little understanding

       " Sorry I am a little late " he says

It is ok " I tell him

He order his coffee.

Mine taste bitter but I don't care .

          " So you  know Hattie gave up " I say

              " yea but I have not " he lets me know

         " Derek no matter what I am never going to really be with you we can fake date but it won't be real" I say

          " You will change your mind " he tells me

        " No I won't " I say loudly and slam down my cup .

He looks at me with a shock look on his face .

       " Derek you deserve to find true love and you can't with me " I say

         " I am leaving I thought you wanted to see me not see me to talk me out of this so you can be with Shane ,
You better not get with him and I know you live with him but I will find out if y'all hook up or anything " he tells me and in a harsh tone
Then he leaves

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