Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

    During the rainy season, the southern Yunnan region is constantly raining, and the gloomy mountains are filled with white mist. The rain hits the branches, slides down the shiny leaves, and disappears silently in the soil.

    Between the mountains, there is an empty valley, the trees suddenly thinned out, replaced by well-arranged houses.

    The wind and rain were violent, and a sparrow flapped its wet wings through the rain and landed on the beams of one of the huts.

    There was a big hole in the roof of the hut through which the sparrows flew into the house.

    This is what Jiang Zhaoli saw when he woke up.

    Jiang Zhaoli's head was still dizzy, and the empty hunger in his stomach before he died lingered like maggots attached to the bones.

    Can people still have the five senses after death? Or is it because she is a starving ghost, and she will always feel hungry after death? Then she is too miserable, right?

    Suddenly, the wind in the valley picked up suddenly, and the rain was blown obliquely, pouring Jiang Zhaoli's face directly through the hole in the roof.

    Jiang Zhaoli: "..."

    She was terrified from the cold, but her mushy consciousness became a little clearer.

    She wiped her face, stood up and shrank to the corner of the bed, avoiding the constant rain.

    Um? bed? How could she be in bed?

    Shouldn't she be sleeping in a coffin? Oh, no, she can't afford to sleep in a coffin, so she should also sleep in an urn.

    No way, she wouldn't even have a body collector after her death. Or is she already in the underworld? Could it be that in the new era, even the treatment in the underworld is a standard room? Didn't she be worse than a ghost before she was alive?

    After lamenting for a while, Jiang Zhaoli belatedly began to look at the environment he was in.

    She found that what she was lying on just now was not a bed, but a loess kang, covered with straw mats and quilts, half of which had been wet by the rain.

    Looking around, I can only describe it as bare walls.

    Jiang Zhaoli raised his head slowly, and met the sight of the sparrow pecking its feathers on the beam.

    Yo, the underworld still manages to distribute pets.

    She was still uncomfortably hungry, her throat was dry and astringent, and she was exhausted, so she just sat there blankly. After waiting for a long time, she didn't wait for the bull head and horse face to pick her up for the next procedure.

    Passive sabotage, the quality of employees in the underworld is not very good.

    Jiang Zhaoli finally waited for someone to come.

    A little Douding who is not half as tall as her.

    Xiao Douding held the yellowed oil-paper umbrella in one hand, and pushed open the crumbling wooden door with the other. The wooden door made a teeth-stinging "squeak" sound, which drew Jiang Zhaoli's attention.

    Xiaodouding kept closing the umbrella, leaning the umbrella against the wall, then bent down and dragged in a large wooden barrel of equal height from outside the door.

    The moment he straightened up, he met Jiang Zhaoli's eyes.


    Gu Wuyan, Jiang Zhaoli clearly saw that Xiao Douding's eyes widened in an instant, staring at her blankly, and his mouth slowly opened.

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