Chapter 73

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Chapter 73 Hunting

    Before returning to the cave, Jiang Zhaoli deliberately packed up and hid everything outside, only to find that he had made a move many times after entering.

    Chu Yunzhi was still unconscious.

    He has lost a lot of weight, his cheeks are sunken, and he has become paler because he has not seen the sun for a long time. His whole body is like the last handful of snow that has not yet melted on the land at the end of winter. Visible water sinks into cracks in the fluffy earth.

    Jiang Zhaoli sat next to him silently, mashed the newly picked mushrooms into mince, cooked them and fed them with hot water, until he couldn't feed them anymore, he ate the rest by himself.

    After sitting for a while, the fire weakened, so I got up to add more firewood.

    When the fire started to flourish again, Jiang Zhaoli picked Datura flowers, Aconiti officinale, Angelica dahurica, Angelica, Chuanxiong, and Tiannanxing from a pile of herbs, cooked a bowl of Mabosan and fed them to Chu Yunzhi.

    Her gaze stayed on Chu Yunzhi's face all the time, and when he saw his frown stretched out, she knew that Mafeisan had taken effect.

    She took out a new dagger and scalded it on the fire a few times, untied her clothes and wrapped cloth strips, skillfully cut off the newborn carrion, and applied the hemostatic paste on the newborn before the blood came out. On the wound, after putting on clean cloth strips, the clothes were closed, and the whole process did not take more than a quarter of an hour.

    He continued to watch over Chu Yunzhi and sat there until the effect of Mafei powder passed. After making sure that there was no adverse reaction, Jiang Zhaoli got up and left the cave.


    it's night.

    Under the shade of the tree, four men in black sat around and ate without saying a word. Everyone had an unconcealable look of fatigue on their faces.

    After a while, one person said: "Why hasn't Black Friday come back?" "

    ... I guess I'm still looking for someone, don't worry about him, he will come back at the latest."

    There was silence among the few people.

    A few trees away, Jiang Zhaoli was squatting on a tall tree branch, his whole body was tightly wrapped up, even his fingers were wrapped in cloth strips, only a pair of quiet eyes were exposed, staring at the dark place not far away. clothes people.

    Judging from the movement trajectory of the red dots on the map, these men in black were in groups of four or five, responsible for searching different areas in the forest, and gathered at a certain point at night to rest and exchange information.     Jiang Zhaoli squinted his eyes, touched the large and small bamboo tubes tied around his waist, took out one, opened it, and poured the blood inside on the ground. After falling down a little, he climbed along the branch to another tree and fell down again. After climbing out of several trees, he took back the bamboo tube, took out a wooden slingshot, and shot a stone towards the man in black.     In the quiet night, this movement was particularly eye-catching, and the man in black was quickly alarmed.     "Who?"     "..."     "Black Friday, is it you who came back?"     "..."     "...something is wrong, let me go and have a look."     "...Everyone come here! There is blood!"     The tall man in black I squeezed some blood from the soil with my fingers, put it under my nose and sniffed it lightly, and my face changed, "This is Hei Wu's blood." They all have their own strengths, and some of them are extremely sensitive, and he is one of them     . Even the slightest difference in smell can be easily distinguished. He and Hei Wu have been training together all year round, so at this moment he immediately smells the blood of Hei Wu.     "The blood is still fresh...he was injured?"     "I'm afraid something has happened, follow the bloodstains to see."     The moonlight was pale, and Jiang Zhaoli was hidden in the rain and above the tall trees, and he had a panoramic view of everything, hooked in black The clothes man walked towards the poisonous forest bit by bit.     She crouched down, adjusted her crawling frequency to be exactly the same as the man in black's pace, and completely covered the sound she made, until she climbed to a towering banyan tree.     "There!"     A few feet away, the man in black exclaimed.     The man in black stopped, looked at the drooping figure under the banyan tree not far away, and frowned, "Hei Wu, what are you doing there?"

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