Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 Unlocking Functions

    In the middle of the night, the moon hung high above the sky, and was soon covered by black clouds. The forest without repaired wooden plank road was silent, and only a few vague howls of wolves and crows could be heard in the distance. In the darkness where you can't reach your fingers, a flame suddenly lit up. Behind the flame was a face full of fine lines, which showed a strange bluish white under the reflection of the flame.

    Holding the paper lantern, Chen Yushi flinched, folded his arms, and looked around uneasily. After a while, another cluster of flames finally appeared in the forest.

    A sneaky figure ran over with small steps, and the wind brought by it caused the flames to dance a few times, cursing in a low voice, "Damn it! Why did you choose such a place?" Chen Yushi didn't dare to speak loudly for fear of being alarmed

    . I saw the ghost in the mountain, and complained in a low voice: "I can't help it, it's safe here."

    The man snorted, "What's the problem, didn't we meet in the daytime the last few times?" "

    Recently, for some reason, people in the village met I just hid and looked at me with strange eyes," Chen Yushi said anxiously, "Do you think they will find anything?" "It's just

    a bunch of fools, what can they find? Besides, what can they do if they find out?" Like?" The man was very disdainful, "As long as you give them the money, they will definitely shut up, isn't that stupid woman who runs a hot pot restaurant a good example, don't you think so?" "Ah... yes

    , Yes..." Chen Yushi stammered, not daring to say that he had given away all the money.

    Even if she didn't give money, Mrs. Qin still gave her the hot pot recipe. And those mahjong poker, she just stole a pair and no one found out.

    With so much money, why should it be cheap to those guys who look down on people.

    "Okay, stop talking nonsense, where are the things?" The man spread his hands towards Chen Yushi.

    Chen Yushi's eyes dodged, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

    Seeing this, the man said: "Can't get it out? If you can't get it out, what did you call me for? Do you know how long it will take for me to come here?"

    Chen Yushi rubbed his hands and flattered him, "It's not that I'm out of money. If     I don't have money, how can I buy prescriptions from those people." "Didn't I give

    you a hundred taels before, and it wasn't enough?"

Turning his eyes, he slapped his thigh and said, "Hey, you don't know, that Chen Qin is very greedy, and asked me for more than 80 taels! The rest is given to Chen Shan." "Eighty taels

    ? What a greedy and stupid woman!" The man took out his money cursingly, and put a half-empty money bag into Chen Yushi's hand, "Hold it!"

    Chen Yushi hurriedly opened the money bag and took a look, "So little?"

    The man sneered, "Short? How much more do you want? At the beginning, I gave you one hundred taels to let you secretly buy all the recipes in the village, but you only gave us two and spent all the silver. Give us another Your thirty taels is already my lady's kindness."

    "Miss Lu is kind-hearted, so I can't thank you enough." Chen Yushi said with a smile, "But there is only so much money, I really can't do anything..."

    The man interrupted her impatiently: "That's your business. Whether you buy, steal or rob, my lady only cares about the result. As long as you work hard, don't play tricks, my lady can't treat you badly. That's fine, You can figure it out for yourself, don't call me to such a ghost place in the middle of the night in the future, and panic..." After

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