Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 Notice

    After Xiong Ying came out of the palace, he felt extremely aggrieved. He knew that Jiang Zhaoli had plotted against him, but he also knew that what she said was right.

    He waved away his groom, and walked all the way back to the mansion along the busy street. When he was about to enter the door, he still felt uneasy, so he turned around and went to the Criminal Department.

    It was already dark at this time, and it stands to reason that the officials had already gone back to their homes, but when he arrived, the candles in the dossier building were still on. He felt strange, went in and took a look, only to find out that it was last year's Tanhua Lang, who was appointed as a servant of the Ministry of Punishment by the emperor.

    Xiong Ying is still very optimistic about this new servant. Although he comes from a poor family, he is alert, eloquent, unique in some cases, and has a clean heart. He is a good seed.     Sitting behind the desk, Chen Gu was almost overwhelmed by piles of files. Xiong Ying didn't stop the sound of footsteps, but he didn't hear them at all, and kept his head buried in his pen. It wasn't until Xiong Ying coughed that he looked up and saw that it was Xiong Ying who quickly got up to salute, and staggered a few times in the process because he wanted to avoid the files at his feet.     "My lord, it's so late, why are you here?"     "I also want to ask you, why are you still here so late?" Xiong Ying paced to his side, lowered his head and scanned the files around him, "Sit. So A lot, the whole dossier building is here, right?"     "Not much, these are only on the third floor."     Xiong Ying picked up a copy casually, the cover date was already from the late emperor's meeting, "Why do you suddenly want to find these? "     Chen Gu scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Didn't His Majesty issue an order? I just wanted to go through all the files in the building and pick out those who have doubts." Xiong Ying frowned slightly     , "You've made up your mind." After a pause, he continued, "Do you know that we usually re-examine these old cases only when the litigant raises doubts?"     Chen Gu stared at the file in his hand, the ink color was old, It shows that it has been a long time, "But some of the litigants are no longer alive. If we don't investigate, this case will be missed."

    Hearing similar opinions from two unrelated people one after another within a day, Xiong Ying suddenly found it very interesting, so he deliberately asked: "Since the litigant is no longer here, so what if the case is overturned?" "My lord, don't you know?

    " "Chen Gu said, "These cases can be big or small, but no matter how big or small, they are a stain on the litigant. I came from a poor family, and people in my hometown pay great attention to the reputation of the ancestors. Advice. Think about it, my lord, if there is really a grievance in it, wouldn’t those people be insulted innocently?” “

    It makes sense, but how do you judge that a case is injustice? If the judgment is wrong, wouldn’t it be confusing black and white?” “

    My ability is limited, "Chen Gu smiled shyly, "That's why we can only pick out the dossiers such as being tortured into tricks, not pleading guilty to death, and dying without a disease, and then you, my lord, will judge and seize them." He said that he placed several neatly arranged dossiers on the upper left corner of the desk case

    . Zong Na showed it to Xiong Ying, "Look, my lord, this is it."

    Xiong Ying looked at them one by one, and found that Chen Gu had carefully selected them, from corruption cases to petty theft cases, but there was a trace of ambiguity in the files. , it will be taken out and set aside.

    "These cases are not easy to investigate."

    "Take your time, as long as we persevere, the truth will always surface." When Chen Gu said this, his eyes shone with determination and enthusiasm.

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