Chapter 74

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Chapter 74 Rescued

    To the east of the dense forest, a group of people marched silently.

    The young man in the lead looked around, a look of embarrassment flashed across his face, he turned his horse's head and retreated to the center of the team after a while, "Master, it's been a month, and I've searched for dozens of miles around, and this is the last place. If you can't find it again..."

    Lin Yuqing looked up at the cold and treacherous forest, suppressed the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, rubbed the center of her brows, and said, "Look first. Have you found any traces of Jiang Jinmian's group of people? "

    Lin Bu shook his head: "This subordinate is incompetent."

    Lin Yuqing frowned and murmured, "How could that be?"

    Lin Bu looked at his face carefully, and hesitated for a while: "Is it true that those people can't get it?" We'll go back, we haven't found any traces along the way, maybe...they've already returned to their lives?"

    "Impossible!" Lin Yuqing rebuked subconsciously.

    The man in black returning to his life means that Chu Yunzhi...then Jiang Zhaoli who was with him may be more or less ominous. Lin Yuqing didn't want to think about this possibility, and said stiffly: "Go and look for it!

    " He was in the capital, except for Lin Bu and Xiao Wu who insisted on following, all the escorts in the team were hired bodyguards.

    As soon as he received the distress letter from Jiang Zhaoli, he rushed over with his people non-stop. However, the capital is so far away from the south of Yunnan. When he arrived at Chu's house, he only found Chu Hanzhang who was hiding in the cellar and stopped him. Ah Jiuer, Huo Xiaowu and others went out to find someone, but Chu Yunzhi and Jiang Zhaoli were nowhere to be found.

    He had a bad premonition, and immediately started looking for someone, but the scope was too large, and he hadn't found anything until now. The only place I didn't find was the forest in front of me, but this forest...

    Ajiu's words of persuasion sounded in my ears again, she said that Jiang Zhaoli had told them to stay away from here.

    If they were really forced to come here...

    there is really... very little hope.

    Lin Yuqing closed her eyes, "Look separately, and come back here in two hours to report the situation."

    The team scattered in all directions, and the figures of the people quickly disappeared into the jungle. Lin Yuqing pulled the reins and started searching in one direction. Said: "Follow me."

    Two hours later -

    "Is there any result?"

    Everyone shook their heads.

    "Keep looking."

    Two hours after two hours, the team gathered again and again, and Lin Yuqing got the same answer.

    The sky was getting dark, and Lin Yuqing's usual indifference was gone, dignified and gloomy, and cold enough to drop icicles.

    "Master, it's getting dark soon, go back and rest for a while, come back tomorrow." Lin Bu suggested in a low voice.

    "What are you doing? Look for me all night." Lin Yuqing tugged at his collar, suppressing his irritability and restlessness, "Everyone get off their horses, and don't miss any corner." Lin Bu had no choice but to follow suit. He got off his horse and walked to the front of the line

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