Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    After coming out of Lin Chang's glass shop, Jiang Zhaoli first went to buy some snacks like candied fruit that children love to eat, and then bought sweet-scented osmanthus wine and yellow beef for Li Langzhong, and bought a lot of bits and pieces After eating, I went to Li's Medical Center.

    There were people coming and going in the market, and it was inconvenient to drive, so Jiang Zhaoli simply led the donkey cart and walked on the street, while Ah Jiu was beside her carrying things. I wonder if the conversation just now had an effect, and the eyebrows twitched The depression has dissipated a lot.

    "You haven't seen Xiao Wu yet, have you?"

    Ah Jiu nodded, "No, I just heard from you, my boss."

    Jiang Zhaoli remembered Xiao Wu's timid appearance hiding behind others, and said, "That child is very good. , is also smart, and learns things quickly, but she is a little timid and afraid of strangers."

    "How old is she?"

    Jiang Zhaoli really didn't know the answer to this question, because even Xiao Wu himself didn't know, so he said: "No Clearly, it should be two or three years older than Yiyi."

    Ah Jiu seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and paused slightly, feeling a little annoyed.

    Jiang Zhaoli looked at her sideways, "What's the matter?"

    "Boss, should I buy some meeting gifts for Xiao Wu?"     Jiang

    Zhaoli thought for a while and said, "Then go buy something."

A new problem, asked: "What does Xiao Wu like?"

    This Jiang Zhaoli is clear, probably because the life of a beggar was too dark in those years, and his clothes were also dusty. Now Xiao Wu likes shiny things very much.

    Every time Jiang Zhaoli took her out to play, her eyes would stick to the gaudy things whenever she saw them, and she would not ask Jiang Zhaoli to buy them for her, but would just stare helplessly, turning around every step of the way, looking pitiful and funny , so that Jiang Zhaoli was too embarrassed not to buy it for her.

    He replied: "She likes brightly colored ones."

    The two of them happened to pass by a jewelry stall, and the stall owner was yelling: "Look at it, take a look at it, you two ladies, let's see if there is anything you like?"

    Ah Jiu's eyes were sharp, and he noticed a pair of emerald bracelets on the stall. He picked them up and asked Jiang Zhaoli, "Master, how about this one?" Before Jiang Zhaoli could give his opinion, the stall owner said, "

    This The little lady has a really good eye. This pair in your hand is a top-quality golden silk flower ring bracelet. There are only two of them in the whole county. I got it by chance. I just put it on sale today, and you caught my eye. Yes, I see, this bracelet is destined for you, you have fair skin, you must look good wearing it." The

    stall owner said a lot, and Ah Jiu only listened to one sentence, his expression moved slightly, "The whole county is like this Two?"

    "Yes, I assure you, these two ring bracelets are unique."

    The whole bracelet is made of gold thread hollow work, Ah Jiu shook it, and there were a few crisp bells in the bracelet, take a closer look , you can find that there is a built-in bell, and she was a little moved, so she asked: "How much?"

    The stall owner stretched out two fingers and made a comparison.

    Ah Jiu said: "Two taels?"

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