Chapter 49

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Chapter 49 Accident

    "Everyone, these two people died here for no reason. Of course, there is some negligence on our part, but the cause of their death should not be hastily determined. The reason why we want to surround this place is not not to keep their corpses, but to find out the truth Don’t let the two of you die in vain.”

    As soon as Jiang Zhaoli finished speaking, one person said disdainfully, “You want to find out the truth?” “Of

    course I can’t rely on me alone,” Jiang Zhaoli said without being annoyed, “ If we want to find out this matter, we must rely on the government, but the rainstorm has just stopped and the mountain road is blocked, we can't go out to report the crime, and the people from the government can't come in. For the current plan, we can only rely on ourselves first." "It sounds good

    . , what are you going to do?"

    "Everyone is here today, so please be a witness."

    During the speech, Jiang Zhaoli kept paying attention to the movement of Chu Yunzhi behind him from the corner of his eye, and he painted quickly. The time she spent dealing with everyone was almost finished.

    Feeling slightly at ease, Jiang Zhaoli continued to procrastinate: "Everyone, please look, are there any claw marks of wild animals in this rope circle?"

    Several people probed and looked, "No, but what does this mean?"

    "The heavy rain can wash it away." There were claw marks, but after the rain stopped, the soil was soft, and wild animals would leave footprints when they passed by. There were only human footprints around the corpse but no animal claw marks, which means that after the rain stopped, that is, since two days ago, no wild animals have been here. It's gone."

    "Didn't you just say that wild beasts won't come out when it rains? Now you say that there are no wild beasts after the rain stops, so how do you explain the bite wounds on the two of them?" "This is the contradiction

    . It is also the place we want to check, and now I have nothing to prove, so I will ignore it for the time being. Before checking, I have a few questions to ask everyone, can anyone recognize the two dead people?" The voice of the crowd became quieter, and

    after After a while, someone said: "I know it! During the days when it rained heavily, I often played mahjong with them. The two of them were called Ding Chuang and Liu Tian. Ding Chuang always won and Liu Tian always lost. After getting a little younger, the two of them said they wanted to go out to get some fresh air, and then they never came back."

    Jiang Zhaoli finally understood the whole story, followed his words and asked, "Ding Chuang and Liu Tian, ​​did they bring anything with them when they went out?"

    The man recalled: "Umbrella...and glass lamps."

    Jiang Zhaoli I glanced back, but didn't find the umbrella and the glass lamp.

    At the same time, Chu Yunzhi had changed his position to make the second painting. The first painting was held by Er Huo, and Jiang Zhaoli called him to bring it over.

    No matter how many times he watched it, Jiang Zhaoli would still be impressed by Chu Yunzhi's painting skills. The ink on the painting is still wet, and the picture is realistic. It is a complete reproduction of the scene, and even the footprints around the giant tree are exactly the same as the reality. This level must be a contemporary master in future generations.

    After admiring it for a while, she showed the painting to everyone, and as expected, everyone was amazed.

    "Good painting!"

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