Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

    Just looking at Mrs. Qin's guilty conscience, it can already explain a lot, but Chen San doesn't seem to know anything about it.

    What Jiang Zhaoli couldn't understand was why Sister-in-law Qin would do such a thing that benefited others but not herself, and kept it from the people next to her.

    Lu Ji Hot Pot...

    this surname...

    a chunky figure flashed in Jiang Zhaoli's mind, "Lu Ji Hot Pot, but because the owner's surname is Lu?

    " Xu Mao knew about Lu Ji hot pot, not only that, because of Qian Zhuyu's relationship, he also knew a little about Lu Ningzhi's family, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "Miss Jiang, do you know that there is a wealthy businessman in Heijie County, surnamed Lu, All the shops in the county with the word "Lu Ji" or "Lu Shi" are his."

    Jiang Zhaoli only knew that he was a wealthy businessman, but he really didn't know the details, "What kind of business does he do?"

    "cloth , grain noodles, porcelain, and bright surface are these three things." Chen Zishuo worked as a part-time worker for a long time, and he was quite familiar with the situation in the county, so he said, "We were curious about him at the time. Why did you open a restaurant all of a sudden?"

    "On the bright side?"

    "Yes, Mr. Lu is also engaged in other businesses," Chen Zishuo lowered his voice slightly, "Don't look at the big and small casinos in the county. On the surface, it has nothing to do with his name, but secretly his owners are Lu Yuanwai. Lu Yuanwai became the richest businessman in Heijie County because of these casinos." "All the casinos in the county belong to him?" Jiang Zhaoli was

    surprised Said, Lu Yuanwai swallowed such a big piece of cake by himself, "Other people will?" "

    Of course not, not all the casinos in the county belonged to his family at first, but who let..." Chen Zishuo suddenly paused. Stopped, glanced at Xu Mao, the expression on his face turned from disdain to embarrassment.

    Xu Maoruo felt it, and pursed his lips, "Mr. Lu has a very close relationship with County Magistrate Qian."

    "It turned out to be like this. The local officials have to protect them. Others have to agree if they refuse." The subtle performance of the two caught Jiang Zhaoli's attention. She was a little curious, but it was not easy to ask questions, so she continued to talk, " Judging from your tone of voice just now, it seems that you don’t have a good impression of Lu Yuanwai?”

    “Miss Jiang, you don’t know that this Lu Yuanwai was just a small landlord at first, with a few acres of land in his family. During the famine years in Heijie County, he collected food. , When everyone ran out of ammunition and food, he would sell it at a high price. This is how he made his fortune," Chen Zishuo said disgustedly, "With this money, his business has grown a lot, and later he was listed on the list. Once you become a county magistrate, you will have the financial resources you have today."

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't expect to know so much information when he came out for dinner today. Regardless of the hookup between Lu Yuanwai and Qian County Magistrate, one thing is certain, no matter whether it is hot pot or mahjong poker, it is all caused by Lu Yuanwai.

    what is this? Steal her business if you can't beat it?

    But how did Lu Yuanwai hook up with Mrs. Qin?

    If he really wanted revenge on himself, he must know that the source of Chenjiacun's business chain is her. How did he know?

    Is there someone else...

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