Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Flirting

    After all, the scene of red plums falling in snow is short-lived, and they will fall in less than a month after opening, leaving only fallen flowers on the ground, bare branches and residual snow. After the Shangyuan Festival, the continuous heavy snow for several days finally stopped, and a thick layer of snow piled up on the ground and the roof, covering the original color of the sky and the earth, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness.

    Early morning should be the quietest moment in winter, only the rustling wind, occasionally mixed with sleepy yawns.


    The sound of friction between iron and stone slabs sounded suddenly, startling the sparrows resting on the bare jujube branches in the courtyard.

    "Idiot! Didn't I tell you to be careful not to shovel mud when shoveling snow!" Someone scolded softly.

    Erhuo froze in waving the shovel, and stammered: "I'm already very careful." "

    How many times have I said, as long as there is clean snow in the middle, don't shovel to the end. How many times have you done this!" Ah Jiu completely ignored his explanation, raised his eyebrows and scolded him.

    At this time, Jiang Zhaoli always stays with the mud: "Okay, okay, the snow layer is thin in some places, and Xiao Huo has great strength, so it is inevitable to shovel deep. Don't shovel the mud." Ah Jiu flicked his hands

    . Jiu Tizi, "Boss, you always speak for him."

    Jiang Zhaoli's feet were full of knee-high wine jars, and she put the washed plum blossoms into the wine jars, "Why, you are overthinking Before the plum blossoms withered completely, Jiang

    Zhaoli picked a few sacks and kept them in the ice cellar. As soon as the heavy snow stopped, she moved the plum blossoms to the yard, and asked Ah Jiu to make some plum blossom wine together.

    Ah Restaurant used to run a liquor store, and she was very good at brewing liquor. She said that the liquor brewed with snow water not only tastes good, but also strengthens the body, so she called Erhuo to remove the snow.

    "Yes." Ah Jiu muttered, but didn't say anything else, picked up the wine body again and scooped the boiled snow water into the wine jar.

    Seeing that Ah Jiu no longer reprimanded him, Er Huo put his head down and worked hard again, the strength of shoveling snow was much lighter than before.

    The three of them moved swiftly and cooperated in an orderly manner, and soon reached the step of mud sealing.

    "Idiot, enough snow, you can shovel the snow outside in the courtyard."

    Er Huo responded, and opened the courtyard door, the cold wind blowing into the courtyard suddenly became stronger, Jiang Zhaoli couldn't help but slapped Trembling, he tightened the cotton cloak on his body, and continued to slap the mud around the porcelain cover.

    Ah Jiu glanced at the school on the other side from a distance. The school was empty, only two people, one big and one small, were sitting face to face.

    "Boss, why is my uncle starting to teach the young master to read now?"

    Jiang Zhaoli glanced over there, "Erlang is always strict with one-on-one, and it's normal to be earlier than others." The

    official start time is mid-February, It's just that Chu Yunzhi has higher demands on Chu Yiyi than other children, and he began to teach him to read every day after the end of the year.

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