Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 Missing

    When the notice was posted, tourists complained one after another. Many people didn't enjoy themselves and were reluctant to leave, but staying for another seven days was too long. In order to compensate these people, the shops gave many small gifts, and some people were killed by the shops. Persuaded, stay to enjoy the rain in the mountains, and finally dozens of people stayed.

    After the tourists who were about to leave left in a hurry, the village head asked a few strong men in the village to sit on a few wooden fences blocking the road, and moved a few big stones, and put them at both ends of the mountain road.

    The village head has become more considerate in his actions recently, so Jiang Zhaoli felt relieved, and stayed at home after it rained the next day.

    The rain in the next few days was beyond everyone's expectations. The wind and rain were mixed, the clouds were heavy, and the sky was very dark during the day. You even needed to light candles in the house. At night, there were even more lightning and thunder, disturbing people's sleep. get a good night's sleep.

    The rain outside was heavy, the wind was violent, and the trees were bent over, as if they were about to break at any time. Under such a storm, it is impossible for people to walk outside, let alone enjoy the scenery.     The tourists who stayed had to stay in the inn all day, and soon began to regret it. The merchants who kept people had to face a group of customers who were quite critical all day long, and they couldn't cope with it. They could only send some small objects and snacks as Jiang Zhao said in order to appease them, and secretly prayed that the rainstorm would pass soon.     It was not until the evening of the fourth day that the rain tended to become smaller.     Chen Shan's inn was brightly lit, filled with the crisp sound of mahjong.     "Touch!"     "Eat!"     "Nonsense..." One person turned over the cards and said.     The other person on the table pushed down the cards a little annoyed, "I don't play anymore, I play every day, it's boring to lose all the cards."     The person who won the cards also said weakly: "Yeah, it's really boring, I win all the cards."     In order to prevent the rainwater from coming in obliquely, the doors and windows of the inn were closed tightly, and the room was a bit stuffy. The person who said no to play at first turned his head to look at the windows reinforced with wooden guardrails, and said depressedly: "When will it rain? If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have stayed."

    The winner listened carefully: "Huh? Is it raining less outside?"

    He got up and walked to the window, opened a slit and looked out, "It's really small."

    The other person also walked over to take a look , Surprised: "Really. I went out for a walk, and I was almost suffocated." "

    Is it bad? The shopkeeper didn't say that there might be danger outside, so let us not go out." "

    That is to tell us not to go out when the rain is heavy Go out, isn’t it too young now? If I don’t go out to take a breath, I’m going to suffocate to death.” “

    What if I grow up again in a while?”

    “Why are you such a mother-in-law? Come back soon, what can happen."

    The man hesitated, "Then I will go out for a few laps."

    The two went out with lanterns and paper umbrellas, and as soon as they went out, they both breathed a sigh of relief. No one went far, so they walked around the inn.

    Although the rain became lighter, it was still far from drizzle, and the hem of their clothes was quickly wet.

    "This glass lamp is really useful. If it is an ordinary lantern, it should have been extinguished by the rain." "

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