Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    "Cough, cough—"

    The coughing sound was earth-shattering, as if he wanted to cough up all the internal organs.

    Jiang Zhaoli looked in panic, seeing nothingness and darkness, "Chu Yunzhi..." He fumbled

    on the ground with his hands, trying to find the fire folder that had just been dropped, but all he could touch was cold and damp soil and gravel.

    The coughing sound also alarmed the men in black outside.

    "So I'm hiding here, come here, dig this place!"

    The footsteps that symbolized death approached slowly, Jiang Zhaoli panicked, trembling all over, but still couldn't touch the fire.

    what to do?

    Now how to do?

    Can we just wait to die?


    She suddenly raised her hand and slapped herself hard.

    She slapped her hands hard, and the burning pain came from the side of her face, finally calling back a sliver of reason.

    No, you can't give up, there is still a way if you are not in a desperate situation.

    She is someone who died once, so it's worth noting that this life was picked up in vain.

    But Chu Yunzhi is not.

    He is still so young, he still has unfulfilled wishes, unwashed grievances, unrevenged vengeance, and Chu Hanzhang to take care of.

    He cannot die here.

    She must not let the tragedy of her previous life happen to Chu Yunzhi again.


    Jiang Zhaoli fumbled around for a while, then picked up a sharp-edged stone, staggered up and guarded the entrance of the cave. She held her breath, clenched the stone tightly, her knuckles turned white, and she didn't know that her palm was cut.

    However, the expected crisis did not come, and the screams suddenly sounded, and the deliberately light footsteps suddenly became chaotic.

    The leader's voice implied panic: "'s poisonous, get out of here immediately!"

    Jiang Zhaoli listened to the movement outside in a daze, and was slow to realize what happened.

    The rain stopped and the fog began to rise, and the miasma once again shrouded the jungle.

    In order to save his life, the man in black had to withdraw temporarily.

    However, Jiang Zhaoli still didn't dare to let go, he threw a stone and knelt down on the ground looking for a fire. Perhaps because of calming down, I found it quickly this time.

    She hastily turned on the blower, ready to turn back to Chu Yunzhi. However, as soon as he saw the scene on that side, it was like falling into an icehouse.


    Overwhelming red.

    It turned out that one person could bleed so much blood, it stained the front of the skirt red, dripping on the muddy floor, forming a small pool of blood.

    Jiang Zhaoli almost rolled and crawled towards Chu Yunzhi, wanting to check the wound on his chest, but he didn't dare to touch him.

    "Cough, cough, cough..."

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