Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

    On the second day after the private school was completed, Xu Mao and Chen Zishuo came to the door as promised. Now Chu Yunzhi is fully responsible for the private school, and Jiang Zhaoli doesn't take much care of it.

    On the first day the two came, Chu Yunzhi didn't let them start teaching directly, but ordered Erhuo to take the two to their respective rooms and settle them down, giving them time to adapt and wander around the village.

    Xu Mao had been here before, but the rose garden was bare when he came last time, and now the garden is covered with all kinds of delicate and beautiful flowers, so he wandered there for a long time.

    He also acted as Chen Zishuo's guide. After a day's stroll, Chen Zishuo called it worthwhile, and even wrote several articles for Chu Yunzhi, the "boss", to look up to prove his ability.

    He came at a bad time. Jiang Zhaoli, Chu Yunzhi, and Chu Yiyi were sitting under the locust tree in the courtyard to enjoy the cool air. Chu Yunzhi inspected Chu Yiyi's homework as a routine, while Jiang Zhaoli wrote to the books spread out on the stone table. Painting, thinking about what to teach tomorrow when I go to the field.     ——At the beginning, in order to complete the industrial chain of Chenjia Village, there were some households who were good at farming. Jiang Zhaoli did not let them do business. Instead, he taught some agronomic skills, expanded the planting area, and developed into an upstream industry. Now it's spring plowing, these people are busy in the fields and have little free time.     A few days ago, Lin Chang sent someone to bring all the glass sheds over. Jiang Zhaoli took advantage of the fact that everyone was in the field and moved the sheds there, and taught on the spot after they were set up.     Knowing that Chen Zishuo came to find Chu Yunzhi, Jiang Zhaoli had nothing to say. After a while, he suddenly heard Chen Zishuo say: "...I didn't expect there to     be a hotpot restaurant here..."     Jiang Zhaoli instantly realized No, he raised his head and looked at Chen Zishuo: "Really?"     Chen Zishuo was not angry when he was interrupted, and said, "Yes, there is a restaurant in the county called Luji Hot Pot. I just went with Jiannei a few days ago I have eaten it, and it tastes really good. By the way, I also heard from Xu Mao that there are also poker and mahjong here." He     used the word "also", and Jiang Zhaoli asked, "Mahjong and poker? "

    Chen Zishuo thought she was curious, so he explained: "Just ten days ago, the casino in the county had two new games, mahjong and poker. The stakes are small, and many people like to play." Jiang Zhaoli's

    attention He nodded slightly: "Are you gambling?"

    This is not a good habit.

    Chen Zishuo hurriedly waved his hands and said, "I don't gamble, I don't gamble, even now mahjong and poker are prevalent in the county, and neighbors go to the casino every day to queue up to play, I don't think it's hard to know." Jiang Zhaoli and Chu

    Yunzhi Looking at each other, Chu Yunzhi said: "There is someone."

    Jiang Zhaoli nodded, she thought so too.

    Now Chenjiacun is famous, and almost every day, people of all kinds come here here, some for pleasure, and some for less pure purposes.

    Such as businessmen.

    Merchants moved upon hearing the benefits. Chenjia Village was firstly famous for its scenic spots and secondly for its shops. The two were linked together, and the monthly gross profit of the households that opened the shops was very considerable. Some of these gross profits went into Jiang Zhaoli's pocket, some were returned to the Lin family, and some were used to supply the upstream industries in the village.

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