Chapter 59

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Chapter 59 White Lotus

    Just after it rained, the whole Chenjia Village was filled with water mist. The water flow in the back river was faster than usual. A wonderful piece of music, from far to near, is transmitted to the ears of people sitting in the teahouse through the bamboo window.

    This is a man in his thirties, with a serious face and straight eyebrows. There is a vertical line between the eyebrows, which is caused by frowning all the year round. He sat by the window, closed his eyes and listened to the sound outside the window.

    In the small tea room, there were more than a dozen sturdy men standing around, wearing uniform black bunts, swords around their waists, and boots. Among such a group of people, Lin Bu, the only one wearing his own clothes, was very protrude.

    Lin Bu guarded behind the man with his sword in his hand, paying attention to all the troubles around him.

    The tea house is made of bamboo. The air is moist after the rain, and the faint earthy smell is mixed with the fresh bamboo fragrance. The man took a sip, and when he opened his eyes, he looked relaxed. Looking at the person opposite, he praised: "This place really Those literati said that it is a fairyland on earth."

    "Master Xiong, he came to a conclusion when he came here, which is not like your past style. Why don't you taste the delicious food here first, and then make a conclusion." After speaking

    , Lin Yuqing clapped his hands, and soon several shop assistants opened the door and came in, carrying large and small plates and teapots, placing the things in their hands on the table one by one, and then quietly retreated, leaving only the leader inside the house.

    Xiong Ying saw that although the waiters in the shop had rough looks, they were uniformly dressed and moved in an orderly manner. They were obviously trained, unlike ordinary peasants in the countryside, so they couldn't help being curious about the behind-the-scenes owner of Chenjia Village.

    The waiter in the shop warmly said: "My lord, all the famous teas in this shop are here. If you don't mind, I will introduce you to one or two first."

    Xiong Ying raised his chin, which meant to agree.

    "Look, this is a plum flower cup specially made by our shop for serving tea," the waiter pointed to a crystal clear glazed teapot in the shape of plum blossoms with his palm facing upwards. Due to the light, the tea inside showed a Light pink, a few soaked dried flowers are half floating on the water surface, and it looks like a lotus floating on the water for a while, "Don't look at this tea, which looks ordinary, but it is actually exquisite. The plum blossoms are picked after snow, and the plum fragrance is thick When the snow is locked, it is the best time to make tea, and the water we use to make tea is not ordinary water, but the daily morning dew. You can try it." Said, the

    waiter poured it for Xiong Ying and Lin Yuqing Had a glass.

    Xiong Ying took a sip and raised his eyebrows, "Is there more than just plum blossoms added to this tea?"

    The waiter grinned and said, "Unexpectedly, my lord, you still know tea, and there are indeed other things added to this tea. What, sorry for the inconvenience."

    The plum blossom tea obviously suits Xiong Ying's taste, and he became interested, and said, "Then

    let's make the next one." The tea is actually the first of the four gentlemen's teas in our store, and the orchid tea, bamboo tea, and chrysanthemum tea also have their own flavors..."

    Xiong Ying tasted them one by one, and was in a good mood. With this kind of good tea, it’s no wonder those people come here at all costs, regardless of the others, even for this tea, it’s worth it.”

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