Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

    After counting for almost three quarters of an hour, there was a rustling sound not far away. Chu Yunzhi opened his eyes and saw a thin figure sneaking in through a hole half the height of a person, wearing a few huge clothes on his body. plantain leaves.

    The plantain leaves were shaken to the ground, and Chu Yunzhi could clearly see her appearance at this time.

    Jiang Zhaoli was drenched all over, and the dark clothes were tightly attached to the skin, without revealing his skin color, but the neckline was messy, and the laces and hems of the heart clothes were exposed.

    Chu Yunzhi realized that she was only wearing this one and a half clothes, and kept herself warm with the rest.

    He closed his eyes, his heart aching.

    Jiang Zhaoli didn't notice that he was awake and was still busy with work, Chu Yunzhi didn't make a sound, just looked at her quietly.

    Jiang Zhaoli was holding a large stack of flowers and plants in both hands, and a knotted thick brown rope was wrapped around his right upper arm.


    Chu Yunzhi's eyes froze, looking at the thick "rope", he felt his throat dry.

    Where is a rope, it is clearly a soldering iron tip.

    Jiang Zhaoli put the flowers and plants on the ground, took off the dead snake carcass on his arm, and got out again, dragging two intact bamboos in from time to time, and finally blocked the hole again.

    She straightened up, as if she couldn't stand anymore, facing the stone wall, with her arms folded on it, her forehead resting on her arms, panting unsteadily. But the back was straight, and the whole body was tense, as if being pulled by puppet strings and could not relax, embarrassed and weak.

    Chu Yunzhi just looked at her like this, and the invisible cold wind gushed into the gap in his chest, causing pain like a needle prick.

    After a long time, she seemed to recover, turned around, picked up the bunch of flowers and plants and walked towards him.

    After a few steps, the flowers and plants fell to the ground again.

    Jiang Zhaoli stared at him blankly, his face was blank for a few moments, his lips were murmured, surprise, grievance, joy, all kinds of emotions flashed in those clear eyes, and finally turned into a feeling of survival after a catastrophe. Fortunately.

    Her back was always straight and slumped, and she walked over quickly, and after a few steps, she turned into a trot again, and her whole body was as bright as usual.

    Jiang Zhaoli stood still in front of Chu Yunzhi, squatted down and stared at him, wanted to reach out to hug him and retracted, his eyes were bright, "Yunzhi, are you awake?" He asked again without waiting for Chu Yunzhi's

    answer : "Does the wound hurt? Is there any discomfort? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Wait a minute, I'll be able to eat soon..." Chu Yunzhi raised his hand and gently placed it

    on the back of Jiang Zhaoli's hand , Jiang Zhaoli stopped talking.

    "No pain, no discomfort." Chu Yunzhi stared at her quietly, and with the other hand, he brushed the wet hair stuck to her face behind her ear, "I'm not thirsty, nor hungry." His hand ran down the dripping

    hair Going down, it landed on Jiang Zhaoli's back neck, stroked it gently a few times, then took out a piece of dry clothes, and began to wipe Jiang Zhaoli's hair, "Why are you so careless, your whole body is covered in water." His movements were a little

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