Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

    Meeting an old friend for the first time, the old memories are slowly unfolding like a dusty ancient scroll, even Chu Yunzhi is inevitably in a trance.

    The face in front of him gradually overlapped with that of many years ago, as unruly as before, but the inadvertent calmness in his eyes reminded Chu Yunzhi that the person in front of him was no longer the cynical young man in fresh clothes and angry horse when he first met.

    It turned out that so long had passed.

    He took a sip of tea and suppressed the itch in his throat: "Why did you come?"

    "Your sister-in-law invited me so kindly that I couldn't refuse, so I came. But..." Lin Yuqing dragged the end of his voice, "Why are you here?" Is there a big brother?"

    Chu Yunzhi was silent for a moment, then remembered more old things: "The former head of the secret guard."

    Lin Yuqing was stunned, and then fell silent.

    Reunited after a long absence, he has too many questions to ask, but he doesn't know where to start.

    Years of separation have caused strangeness and silence to lie between former friends.

    "Why did you meet Xiaoli?" Chu Yunzhi asked after a long time.

    "I went south to check the accounts, and she took the initiative to find the door and managed the business to me." Lin Yuqing looked out through the lattice window, "She is very talented in business." Chu Yunzhi followed his gaze and

    saw Jiang Zhaoli, who just said that he was going to count the goods, was sitting on a ponytail, playing with Chu Yiyi, and everyone, one big and one small, laughed heartily.

    He hummed: "Chen Family Village has become what it is now, most of it is due to her."

    Lin Yuqing thought of those thatched cottages: "Is this place so bad?"


    "Then why did you come here?" Lin Yuqing turned around, "Do you know that many people are looking for you?"

    Chu Yunzhi still looked sideways at the two people frolicking in the yard, and said calmly, "Come and kill me." "

    ... Your whereabouts are unknown, and everyone is worried about you."

    Chu Yunzhi was noncommittal.

    Lin Yuqing was silent, and continued to ask: "Where are the others?"

    Chu Yun held on for a while, his throat itching unbearably, he coughed a few times, picked up the teacup and took another sip of warm tea, the hot air rising from the cup Let his expression blur for a moment.

    The sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus relieved the dryness in the throat. Chu Yunzhi put down the teacup, lowered his eyes and said lightly: "Dead."

    Lin Yuqing was stunned, and said in astonishment: "Dead? All dead? How did you die? Back then Obviously not..."

    He stopped suddenly, as if a ball of cotton was stuck in his throat, and said with difficulty: "It's them... isn't it?"

    A dazzling red light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and the scorching and rancid blood The smell seemed to linger at the tip of his nose again, Chu Yunzhi closed his eyes, opened them again and calmed down.

    Lin Yuqing learned the answer from his reaction, and was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

    The sound of coughing pulled him away from his chaotic thoughts, and he looked across.

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