Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

    The heavy rain was pouring down, and a black and thin young man in cape cape and hat waved his horsewhip, and sometimes wiped his face wet by the rain. Suddenly, the curtain of the carriage was lifted from the inside, and a pair of white hands stretched out. With a flick of his slender wrists, other The golden silk flower ring on the top makes a crisp and pleasant sound.

    This hand tugged at the coir raincoat of the black and thin boy, and the black and thin boy asked without turning his head, "What are you doing?"

    "Brother Gezi, I, I'm a little thirsty."

    "Isn't there water in the water bag?"

    " Finished."

    "Finish again?" Ge Ziyao saw a few tea stands in front of him, and said, "There is a tea stand in front, let's go there to get some water and rest for a while. I don’t know why Master insists that we go out to buy medicinal materials.”

    “Master said, there are many people suffering from cold and cold at this time, so you need to prepare more medicinal materials. Brother Ge Zi, you, you haven’t, haven’t listened carefully. Him, talking?" Xiao Wu said.     "Woo--" Grid stopped the carriage, jumped off the carriage, tied the reins to the post, took up the umbrella and opened it, and stretched out his hand to Xiao Wu, "It's all right if you listen? We've reached the ground, come down." The two of     them Walking into the bamboo shed, Gege took off his hat and untied his coir raincoat, and ordered a pot of tea.     Xiao Wu drank several cups in a row, and continued the topic just now: "You are so wrong..." Before the words     fell, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, dense and hasty, Xiao Wu's attention was attracted to him, I saw dozens of people in capes and hats approaching quickly on horseback, stopped in front of the tea stand, dismounted, took off their caps, took off their capes, and sat down to order tea. The movements were uniform.     Xiao Wu looked at the group of people dressed in all black, shrunk her neck, and turned her head away after being held down.     "Don't look blindly!" Grid withdrew his hand and whispered, "These people are not ordinary people at first glance, be careful to offend them."     Xiao Wu couldn't help but glanced over there a few times. When she met her gaze, the man in black had no expression on his face and his eyes were like knives. She was so frightened that she hurriedly looked away, not daring to look around.

    "They look so, so fierce..."

    "Did you see the things hanging around their waists? It looks like an ordinary cloth bag, but it actually contains either knives or swords." Ge Ge said, "We are leaving They stay away, and leave after drinking this pot of tea."

    Xiao Wu nodded, watching his nose, nose and heart, drinking tea at a faster speed.

    After a while, she slowed down drinking tea, and she couldn't help listening to the whispers of the men in black at the next table.

    ——It’s not that she wants to hear it, but the tea stand is too small, there are not many tables, and dozens of people in black clothes almost fill the square inch of space. Even if the volume is lowered, the sound can still be heard in her ears intermittently .

    "...Why does the master want us to go to this place where no shit is a thing to kill? Even if you want to drink tea, you can't find a place to rest."

    To kill? !

    Xiao Wu shook her hands, and the tea in the cup spilled out.

    Another reprimanded: "Can you and I question the master's order? I'll be in Chenjiacun soon, finish this order quickly, and go back after finishing it." One person sneered: "It's just a

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