Chapter 44

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Chapter 44 Naming

    In the study.

    The candle was brightly lit, and Chu Yiyi was doing his unfinished homework during the day, and suddenly raised his head and said, "Brother, sister-in-law said my name today means everything in life." Chu Yunzhi was stunned for a moment, his fairy face was reflected by the

    candlelight Warm yellow, even the curvature of the corners of the mouth also brought warmth, "That's what it means."

    Chu Yiyi stared at him for a while, "Brother, you should smile more in front of sister-in-law, sister-in-law likes to see you smile .”

    Chu Yunzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled even more.

    Jiang Zhaoli has a pair of very special eyes, which are very dark brown, but turn into bright amber in the sun. When he smiles, the tails of his eyes droop slightly, and his eyes are as clear as water. , It's always hard to look away.

    Jiang Zhaoli often laughs, but he doesn't. There was a boulder pressing on his heart, and the ice on the stone was covered with coldness, so the number of times he laughed could be counted on the fingers. Now that I think about it, the few times I laughed were all because of Jiang Zhaoli.

    Jiang Zhaoli really likes to see him smile, when he smiles, she will be stunned, her eyes are slightly rounded, and she will look straight at him, as if she has seen something extraordinary, and then she will move away to hide it when she recovers. eyes, and then the corners of his mouth turned up, and he also smiled.

    It's not that Chu Yunzhi has never seen a woman who is more beautiful and smarter than Jiang Zhaoli. The women from the aristocratic families in the capital are all talented and beautiful, even more than Jiang Zhaoli.

    But only Jiang Zhaoli, who appeared in his loneliest and most difficult time, brought him hope and opportunity, treated him with care, was happy because of his happiness, and worried because of his suffering.

    She is kind but principled, shrewd but rarely confused, and even resembles her mentor in some respects. Chu Yunzhi had never seen such a contradictory person, so he unconsciously looked at her a few more times, and then put himself in it.

    He knew it was wrong, Jiang Zhaoli was his sister-in-law in name, even though they could not be counted, but from the outside world, they were sister-in-law.

    But he couldn't help it.

    In the past ten years, he has been making the right choices, so he stood out among his peers, praised by his mentor, and appreciated by the emperor, so when the clan died, he and Yi Yi were the only ones who survived.

    He has been doing what others think is right, but what has he gained in the end?

    Blood feud, alone.

    He was wrong this time, Jiang Zhaoli alone.


    The next morning, Jiang Zhaoli had breakfast with Chu Yunzhi and Chu Yiyi as usual.

    She was drinking porridge, and was still thinking about how to "separate" Lu Yuanwai and Qian County Magistrate, when Chu Yunzhi said, "Yi Yi has reached the first year of life, so it's time to choose a name." Jiang

    Zhaoli Dazed for a moment: "Don't you already have a name?"

    "No, sister-in-law, Yiyi is just my baby name. My brother said last night that he would give me another nickname." Chu Yi said.

    Jiang Zhaoli was just about to ask why he waited until now to get his name. It stands to reason that it should have been chosen as soon as he was born. Chu Yunzhi seemed to see what she was thinking, and said, "It should have been chosen a long time ago, but it just didn't have time.

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