Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Counter-Examples of Typical Plays

    What else to buy?

    Jiang Zhaoli stood at the entrance of the shop, hesitating.

    Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of Chu Yiyi's coarse linen clothes.

    The fabric of the clothes was rough, the child's skin was tender, and a large area of ​​red was rubbed on the back of the neck.

    When Chu Yunzhi showed her the brand last time, did his neck get red too?

    Jiang Zhaoli tried hard to recall, but at that time all his mind was attracted by the scar, and he had no impression of anything else.

    But Chu Yunzhi looked thin and tender, so he must not be used to rough linen clothes.

    Hmm... let's go buy some clothes then.

    Just like that, Jiang Zhaoli stepped into the clothing store.

    At this time, it was approaching noon, and the store was a little deserted, and the clerk sat lazily behind the counter, yawning constantly.

    "What are you looking at?" the man asked casually.

    "Is there any silk clothes?" Jiang Zhaoli recalled that Chu's family's funeral was not over yet, "something with clean elements." "No, only

    linen and cotton clothes," the clerk heard Jiang glanced up and down, and said with His chin pointed to one place, "Here, it's all there."

    He didn't look at Jiang Zhaoli, his eyes rolled around, and the next second he stopped suddenly as if he saw something strange, and then his expression immediately became flattering Get up, get up, walk quickly to the door, and say with a flattering smile:

    "Yo, Miss Qian, Miss Lu, what kind of wind brought you two here today? Rare guest, come here, this way please!

    " "Is there anything new recently?"

    "Isn't it a coincidence? We just bought a batch of goods a few days ago, and they are all high-quality silk and satin. Sit down for a while, little one." Just go to the warehouse and get it."

    Jiang Zhaoli:? ? ?

    What's the matter? Every dog ​​looks down on people.

    She looked over and saw two girls in gorgeous dresses and gold ornaments sitting at the reception desk, but the make-up was so heavy that it was difficult to see their original appearance clearly.

    The clerk was busy serving tea and water for the two of them, when he passed by Jiang Zhaoli's side, his face fell down, he said "you do it yourself" and left.

    Jiang Zhaoli was helpless, but he didn't want to waste time, so he took the child and left.

    It's just that I don't know if it's an illusion. When I stepped out of the store, I seemed to hear the laughter of the two girls behind me, which implied a hint of mockery.

    She glanced sideways and saw the two girls covering their mouths with handkerchiefs, talking and laughing together, but their eyes were on her and Chu Yiyi, so she knew it was not an illusion.

    Jiang Zhaoli frowned slightly, he really didn't understand this kind of unreasonable behavior of making fun of others.     There is also a ready-made clothing store on the opposite side. After learning from the past twice, Jiang Zhaoli directly took out an ingot of

    silver and patted it on the counter, "Is there any ready-made clothes with better materials?"


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