Chapter 83

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Chapter 83 Northern Yi

    The Qidao incident caused a lot of uproar among the people, and soon spread to the palace.

    When the emperor sent someone to summon him, Jiang Zhaoli was staying in Lin Yulan Palace.

    She stood up and bid farewell to Lin Yulan, "Your Majesty, you might as well think about it carefully."

    Lin Yulan looked at the direction she was leaving thoughtfully, while Min Yang sat quietly and obediently in her arms, seeing that she suddenly stopped, he tugged at her Hem the clothes, raised her head and called her in a low voice: "Mother Concubine."

    Lin Yulan came back to her senses, still thinking about Jiang Zhao's sentence "Do you want to fight for Yang'er?"

    Thanks to Xiao Wu's care and conditioning, Min Yang's health has improved a lot during this time, his little face is puffy, icy and snowy, and looks very painful.

    "Yang'er, mother concubine will take you to sit in the most comfortable seat in the world, okay?"

    Min Yang only understood the words "most comfortable", nodded without thinking, and immediately shook his head, "Don't sit alone, mother concubine also Together."

    Lin Yulan smiled faintly, "Of course my concubine will be with you."

    She looked at the palace gate again, and Jiang Zhaoli's figure had long since disappeared, thinking to herself, I will gamble with you.

    On the other side, Jiang Zhaoli was shocked when he saw the emperor.

    The emperor was sitting in a high position, his hair was much grayer than before, now it is more white than black, with wrinkles on his forehead, he seemed to have aged a few years overnight, his eyes were blue and black, emitting a strange light.

    "Jiang Xingxian, did I do the right thing? Have I taken one step closer to becoming an immortal? Can I continue to take the elixir?"

    After the emperor got angry that night, he never summoned her, so Jiang Zhaoli didn't know What kind of ideological struggle did he go through to make that imperial decree.

    Looking at it now, I am afraid that this step was taken after tossing and turning day and night.

    She followed suit and said: "Your Majesty is very kind." After speaking, she presented the elixir that had been prepared.

    Eunuch Hong handed it over to the emperor. After the emperor took it, he ate two immediately and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay..."

    Then he waved his hand and said to Jiang Zhaoli: "Okay, you go down."

    He couldn't distinguish between emotions and anger, and Jiang Zhaoli couldn't understand it more and more, so he had to follow his words and retreat first. Then come out to see each other.

    Jiang Zhaoli immediately loosened his brows and put on a worried look, "Your Majesty, he..."

    Eunuch Hong sighed, shaking his head in silence.     Seeing the trick, Jiang Zhaoli was speechless, so he

    had to say: "You can only take two pills a day at most, and Eunuch Lao will take care of it


Shut up, let him send himself and Xiao Wu back to the Dao Palace.

    After returning to the Taoist palace, she thought about it, but couldn't figure out what the emperor wanted to do, so she changed her attire and slipped out of the palace to find Chu Yunzhi.

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