Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 Propaganda

    It was the end of the hour when we arrived at Qingyu Pavilion, Jiang Zhaoli got out of the donkey cart, stepped forward and knocked on the back door of Qingyu Pavilion.

    At this time, the people in Qingyu Pavilion had just rested, and Jiang Zhaoli knocked on the door a few times before there was any movement.

    "Who is it?" The boy opened the door impatiently, and was a little surprised when he saw Jiang Zhaoli, "Miss Jiang? Why are you here today?"

    After speaking, he welcomed Jiang Zhaoli in, and took the donkey cart by himself. He pulled it into the yard and parked it, and skillfully found a handful of hay to feed the donkey.

    Jiang Zhaoli thanked him, and the servant said: "You are still so polite. Mama Sun and the girls just fell asleep, do you want the younger one to wake them up?" Jiang Zhaoli didn't have the habit of disturbing people's dreams,

    just Said: "No, you can find me a vacant room first, I will stay in the pavilion for a few days this time." "

    How many days?" The servant was a little uneasy, "Is there something wrong with Qingyu Pavilion's business? "

    The business of Qingyu Pavilion is now controlled by Jiang Zhaoli. Since Jiang Zhaoli took over, Qingyu Pavilion is full of seats every night, and even the monthly salary of the servants and maids has doubled several times. People like them have always been polite and unassuming, so they all have a good impression of Jiang Zhaoli.

    But when he first heard that Jiang Zhaoli was going to stay for a few days this time, the boy subconsciously thought that Qingyu Pavilion had encountered some difficult problems, and couldn't help worrying about his monthly salary.

    Fortunately, Jiang Zhaoli rejected his guess in the next second.

    "No, I have something to ask Liu Niang for help."

    The boy let out a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously, "What is it that you can't even solve? This way please."

    "What do you mean that even I can't solve it? There are too many problems that cannot be solved." Jiang Zhaoli laughed, seeing that the servant had a tendency to lead her to the front yard, and said, "I'll just live in the backyard." She didn't want to listen to the stereo surround sound at

    night .

    "The house in the backyard is not as good as the front yard..." the boy hesitated.

    Jiang Zhaoli waved his hand and said, "I don't care about this."

    The young man quickly tidied up an empty house and came out. After he was told to order him, he retreated.

    Jiang Zhaoli took out several paintings by Chu Yunzhi from his luggage and asked the system to make a few copies, then put away the original paintings, and then took out "A Thousand Golden Prescriptions" and flipped through them.

    She plans to further adjust the bodies of the girls in Qingyu Pavilion, and by the way, improve the ancient formula made of rouge, so that she can draw more kinds of makeup for the girls in Qingyu Pavilion, and also advertise for the powder shop in Chenjia Village. .

    Waiting until the night fell and the lively sounds outside gradually started, Jiang Zhaoli put the book back into the system, got up and left the room.

    There are stairs in the backyard leading directly to the second floor of the front yard. At this point, the male guests are basically watching the dance on the first floor. Jiang Zhaoli went straight to the second floor and asked the maid to call Sun Liuniang.

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